Well I thought I had heard it all but, The Mercury Columns "will Christians enjoy sex in heaven" just hurt my brain. How can God allow sexual relations in heaven without marriage?? In heaven there is no need for anyone to belong exclusively to another(WOW!!! a big sex party) because there will be no building of families as marriage involves. There is no logical reason for why there won't be sex in heaven. If other bodily enjoyments like eating and drinking will be there, then most certainly it is reasonable to expect that there will be sexual enjoyment also. Hell I may become a believer again.....I guess there will be toilets in heaven...
Attention!! There will be sex in heaven
by James Mixon 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
Another lie to lure people into being willful idiots. You are lured in by the prospect of free sex (Islam does this, too--so Christi-SCAM-ity is not alone in this scam). To get the benefit, you have to obey whatever damnation book your religion claims to adhere to, plus whatever rulers within that religion decide to add to it. Your soul is stopped from developing, and when you enter heaven, you find out that, instead of sex, you are consumed by joke-hova to make a meal for that abomination (allah does the same thing). Where else does all that light come from? I doubt they have any Fenix or O-light flashlights going to create it--it comes from all those damned souls!
Obviously that explains why so many more JW`s are claiming to be of the Anointed Class
So, the people who write this stuff have first hand knowledge of what goes on in heaven?
And everyone Will be perfect. Attractive, nice bodies well endowed. Whats to lose? I'm in. Where do i sign up?
Aren't heavenly beings asexual non-gender (sounds like leftist heaven to me) and isn't that why they had to become human and male to get some - according to the bible anyway. Lol btw.
Fred Franztone
The Mercury Collumns?
There will be a lot of "Oh God, oh God, oh God, yes, yes, yesssssssss!"
I wonder what Mary Whitehouse makes of it all?
And no one ever has a headache or is too tired!
Ancillary questions: Will there be sex toys in heaven? Will there be new fetishes ("wow, nice halo you got there...." )? Will there be angel porn?