You are going away to prepare a place for us arnt you VIV?
Have a great Vacation VIV, they do have the internet in other countries ya know so you can pop in and let us know how its going.
by Vivamus 44 Replies latest jw friends
You are going away to prepare a place for us arnt you VIV?
Have a great Vacation VIV, they do have the internet in other countries ya know so you can pop in and let us know how its going.
I almost had a heart attack.
Girl you had me scared for a sec! Anyways have fun!!
What we really want to know is where you're going and who with?
You're not curious now are ya, E-man? LOL.
I am going with my surrogate brother, I have known him all my life, and we practically kill eachother with our fights. So, if we manage to do that on our trip, we'll come home sooner, one of us in a body-bag . We are going to Slovenia, Croatia, Italy and France, four weeks total, if all goes to plan.
Dutch District Overbeer
VIV, I want to do that holiday, seriously, that one is on my list.
Ballistic, its a long trip tho.... The first week esp. is gonna be huge fun, we'll meet two friends in Slovenia, who will show us around and play our hosts, after that, we're on our own...
Dutch District Overbeer
*Hmmm, just a side-note here, maybe I can reach 2000 before I leave..... would anyone mind if I spam the board just before I leave? *
Dutch District Overbeer
Don't you like me spamming the board, Ballistic? Why not???
Dutch District Overbeer
It's not necessary! *Wipes Tear*