Greetings! After much lurking and even sporadic posting under an alias account, I've decided to come out of the "apostate" shadows. This month marks my 1-year disfellowshipping anniversary. It's been a long, arduous journey, one that nearly took my life. I could never have envisioned finding myself the happiest I've ever been with the woman of my dreams, a fulfilling job, and the relatively "charmed" life I now enjoy the Thursday night I was announced as no longer belonging to the JW ranks. I hope to share my personal experiences in great detail moving forward, as I was a B-lite not too long ago and heavily involved in JW tour programs in NYC, to which relatively few on this forum have been privy.
Anyway, on to the matter at hand... I have been working in the Machiavellian world of healthcare (I'll save my specific views on the US healthcare system for a separate post) over the last few years and my most recent role has me working with the usually underprivileged and disadvantaged Medicaid population. To ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations, and not out of fear of being identified, I shall keep the couple and related details that led me to this question vague.
I know of two specific members in our health plan who are active JWs and Medicaid beneficiaries. I have had limited personal exchanges with them and cannot identify an external reason for them to receive such a benefit, besides their evident pursuit of a "simple life". I applaud anyone who devotes their time in the service of others, however disingenuous or selfish their true motives may be. It caused me, though, to think of all the young, able-bodied, intelligent men and women who choose to limit their secular responsibilities to pursue those that Watchtower extols instead. How many of those are unfairly taking advantage of an already unfair healthcare system in order to commit to 840 hours of peddling literature and videos to disinterested householders annually? It is on par with Walmart's egregious and flagrant dodging of providing proper healthcare to its employees. If the JW Medicaid population is considerable, taxpayers, who are already bled for future services they may never actually benefit from, are indirectly supporting the Worldwide Work.
Broadening the question, how many JWs, around the world, perfectly capable of earning a modest living, are on Public Assistance because their extremist lifestyle necessitates or encourages it? (Please note that this is not an attack on JWs on welfare. I grew up in Section 8 housing, limited to living off of food stamps, etc. However, my single mother worked multiple jobs to provide for us AND pioneered. Employers leveraged her immigration status against her salary until said status changed, after which she immediately discharged us from welfare and we have been fortunate not to need it again.)
I have not seen this topic discussed in detail before and would be curious to know your thoughts, retorts, or potential data. If Watchtower alone is announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, then Watchtower alone should make healthcare provisions for those not of their worldwide order, and on Public Assistance solely because they are "focusing on the Kingdom".