I was thinking about this today and wondered why "God" created this overwhelming desire in humans? If we were created in God's image does this mean God has desires like his spirit creatures mentioned before the flood did?
It would seem that man with his inteligence would be able to decide if he wanted to have children and have sex just to procreate. Instead we are born with an almost uncontrollable desire to have sex. I can remember my teenage years and the way I felt. It is just like the animals except humans have the ability to procreate each month but animals only at about 3 or 4 months. My dog comes in heat about that often I think.
This makes me think we are just part of nature and were made with the same desires that controls the world to procreate and keep life going. I wonder if animals have the ability to fall in love like humans? Animal males just seem to get sex as often as they can, do human males have the same tendencies???
I have such strange questions about life and nature.
Ken P.