OK tried again even though some of the questions are dreadful. Here was the result...
I have no idea what an Iconoclast is.
by Giordano 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
OK tried again even though some of the questions are dreadful. Here was the result...
I have no idea what an Iconoclast is.
I got 100% strong agnostic
What is a "strong agnostic"?
Does it mean "I really really really don't know"?
Cofty: What is a "strong agnostic"? Does it mean "I really really really don't know"?
No. It means he's been giving his uncertainty a workout!
Shadow boxing with doubt.
That was interesting. I was judged an 'atheistic paganist' (check, Gaia is my philosophy, embracing transcendentalism), and 'secular humanist' re belief systems (check, feminist = same thing).
Perhaps it means a person who really is an atheist, but won't give up that shadow of a doubt that there *may* be a divine entity. That could identify a LOT of atheists who do not reveal such traitorous thoughts to others! ahaha\
Edit: keeping in mind always that reality is shades of gray, not black & white. That includes people's belief systems ,,, nothing is cut-and-dried.
Oh dear... I call myself a christian and yet apparently I am an agnostic with buddhist leanings... my top one was strong agnostic 100% ..... how did that happen? Maybe Cofty is right in his 'really, really really don't know'.... LOL
Hey, it's their definition, not mine...
I sit squarely on the agnostic / apatheist camp, although I have no idea what "strong agnostic" is supposed to mean. Maybe that I can lift a ton of doubts?
Gnostic.... 100%
Luv'n'thortz WoZ
cofty: "I have no idea what an Iconoclast is."
An iconoclast is a person who destroys idols or religious beliefs.