Boy killed by an Alligator...ewwww...

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    Wow, that's tragic.

  • IronGland

    The shape of the head. The crocodile's skull and jaws are longer and narrower than the alligator's.In both alligators and crocodiles, the fourth tooth on either side of the lower jaw is exceptionally long. When an alligator closes its mouth, those long teeth slip into sockets in the upper jaw and disappear. When a crocodile closes its mouth, the long teeth remain visible, protruding outside the upper jaw. In general, if you can still see a lot of teeth even when the animal's mouth is closed, you are looking at a crocodile.

  • enigma

    I have heard a few dogs screaming and yelping to death in the small lake behind my house. Its pretty sick...


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    When we went thru Florida we'd always see people swimming or fishing along banks, and gators floating just a couple of dozen feet away. If I lived in Florida I'd never go near fresh water.

    Add to that, dumb people in housing developments think its 'cool' to throw food to them and get them to come when they're called. Then they get upset when Fido or junior get killed. Some people have no sense.

  • jws

    There's even alligators showing up in North Texas. One was found in a small lake in McKinney and another in somebody's back-yard pond in Plano (both just north of Dallas). And Dallas isn't especially known for it's waterways and swamps like Florida. But, the news says they're protected and people can't just shoot them. Don't know why. Seems they've been increasing in numbers and they looked pretty dangerous, even on land.

    My great-aunt lived in Florida and there was a waterway near her house that fed into a lake. They'd sometimes have alligators in their yard and neighborhood dogs would go missing if people left them out at night.

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