The ups and downs of being a short guy

by Maverick 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mac

    I think shortness is a state of mind!

    mac, of the could you get that glass off the top shelf for me class

  • rebel

    I love short, stocky men - like weight lifters.....hmmmmmm

    I think short is a real turn on - look at Al Pacino - he is only 5'5" (maybe 5'6") and he is THE BEST!!!!!


  • Maverick

    Laurence of Arabia was the same height I am. But I am in a LOT better shape than he is now! Maverick

  • Scully

    I'm not very tall myself - only 5'4¾" (is it ok if I round it up to 5'5"? LOL) - so it really doesn't take a lot to be taller than me. I would imagine every height-challenged person has the same frustrations that I do - not being able to reach the top shelves of my cupboards, making sure you can see over your steering wheel etc. Buying clothes too - I'm always hemming pants because they are too long.

    I think personality and compatibility are more important than having someone taller than me. Jerks and @$$holes come in all sizes.

    Love, Scully

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