Two gems from February 2023 Study Watchtower

by BoogerMan 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    'How do you incubate a mind virus? How do you cause a culture to self-destruct?

    In 1984, this KGB defector exposed the secret 4-stage plan used by Soviet intelligence to wage psychological war on American society.
    Stage 1: Demoralization. (15-20 years)
    85% of KGB action was not spying, but ideological warfare.
    The aim was to change Americans' perception of reality so that "no one is able to come to sensible conclusions."
    This loss of reality then weakens the family, community, country—and the self.

    Stage 2: Destabilization (2-5 years)
    Once a society is demoralized, its weakness and unwillingness to defend itself is exploited to undermine the military, economy & foreign affairs.
    Stage 3-4: Crisis & Normalization (6 weeks)

    A weakened society is easily brought to crisis, causing a "violent change of power, structure, and economy." A benevolent dictator who makes grandiose promises could then be installed to bring things back to "normal."

    In 1984, KGB defector Bezmenov warned the demoralization of the US was nearly complete After the final crisis, all those who helped in subversion will have no further use, he adds. "They will be lined up against the wall and shot."

    If Americans fail to grasp the impending danger, he said, "nothing ever can help the United States." “You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.”

    "A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. ... When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand. But not before that."

  • BluesBrother

    Study Article 9 in the same issue contains this direction:

    Because we appreciate the gift of life, we fill out a durable power of attorney (advance health-care directive) and carry it with us at all times.

    I fail to see how it is showing appreciation for our life by taking a stand that makes it harder for medics to save it …

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Because we appreciate the gift of life, we fill out a durable power of attorney (advance health-care directive) and carry it with us at all times.""


    WE appreciate the gift of life by strictly adhering to a deadly blood doctrine.

    How does this NOT ring of complete lunacy, idiocy and stupidityl

    I just don't get it.

  • Rattigan350

    "A couple watch the news. Later, after a congregation meeting, they share with others their strong personal opinions about the meaning of news events. (Bottom) A couple watch a Governing Body update in order to stay current with the latest understanding of Bible prophecy. They offer to others Bible-based publications that are provided by the faithful slave."

    This is a good thing. There are people that still look for a cry for Peace and Security from the governments although that is not what the scripture states at all. There was a GB update that said not to look for that cry and it appears that many didn't even notice that.

  • Rattigan350

    "The Watchtower freely admits it is made up of imperfect men. This is as good as it gets for an apology for getting it wrong. The fact remains - the Watchtower gets it wrong."

    Wrong about what??? Why they focus on the Watchtower?

    I'm not wrong at what I believe and do. I don't focus on the Watchtower. So why are you?

    "So, the only source Witnesses are to get information from is basically a crap shoot. At the same time they claim that their salvation is based on obeying the Watchtower. It is like going to a blind surgeon for a lifesaving medical procedure. Good luck with that!"

    You need to remember that the Watchtower's teachings are correct. They can get them wrong, but they are correct. They problem is that they get their teachings from the Bible, such as they follow the apostles. Where do the apostles get their authority to make doctrine such as disfellowshipping and blood?

    Also they are taking life from the Bible times and applying it today. They need to open their thinking.

  • FFGhost

    Lol at that picture + description.

    Anyone remember “Highlights” magazine? Maybe I’m dating myself. I always read it when I was a little kid waiting for my turn at the dentist’s office.

    That picture & description is exactly a “Goofus and Gallant” cartoon from “Highlights”.

    Just when you think they can’t dumb down the message any lower….

  • riblah

    The "bad" lady has her hands on her hips, while the "spiritual" lady has her hands demurely in front of her, 😂 lol!

  • Listener

    Rattigan - The Watchtower Sept 2012 states that the cry for peace and security was an initial sign.

    "unlike mankind in general, we discern the Scriptural significance of current events. How exactly will this prophecy about saying “Peace and security!” be fulfilled? We must wait and see. Therefore, let us be determined to “stay awake and keep our senses.”​—1 Thess. 5:6; Zeph. 3:8."

    I believe the GB update that said not to look for the sign of peace and security was telling the JWs not to call it themselves but to wait for the GB to do it.

    So the JWs no longer need to keep on the watch, all they need to do is wait for the GB to say the GT has started.

  • blondie

    "When we base our discussions on material published by Jehovah’s organization, we help the congregation to remain united “in the same line of thought.”​ This often done by the WTS because so many jws make conjectures, and then state them publicly, and when it is elders or circuit overseers, many jws think it must be fact because of their "position." And then they spread it through the organization and it is almost impossible to find the original source. The term the WTS uses is speculation, although the WTS does it all the time in their publications. Usually the WTS has in the past prefaced this by "Bible-based" In the endnote the WTS covers its rear by saying "They offer to others Bible-based publications that are provided by the faithful slave."

  • Rattigan350

    "The Watchtower Sept 2012 states that the cry for peace and security was an initial sign."

    I don't think that they advocate that anymore just like they don't advocate 1914 and many other things that the pre 1995 GB taught.

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