Disillusioned JW, that is basically my view as well. I do believe people / humans were created. Period. Nothing more and nothing less. My question was about why do people believe in an entity as described in the bible(s) or other religious books.
Every time when I kill an ant or an insect, I believe this is how the creator works. It (or even they, if more than one) created life on earth (and may be also elsewhere) and left it with that. Make the best of it. I do not feel sorry for the ant. Ants will not provide worship to me.
And it is not only the Christian version(s) of a god, also in Islam, Buddhism and the many other beliefs in this world. They all one thing in common: they have never seen or heard their god and as a result they have built icons to make their god somehow visible.
I have met Tomas Gustafson, world champion 10 k speed skating in the eighties. It was during a business trip to Sweden and we went skating. He explained he believes in trees. He called himself a tree-whisperer. At the time, still active JW, I though he was losing it. At least as JW we follow a living god. Now, some 20 years later, I believe he was just like any other believer. The tree did not talk and acted. Only difference: we know the tree is alive :-)