My wife is great about keeping up with family even with her still in JW sister, they all talk a couple of times a month. And once a year the three sisters take a trip together.
On my side of the family l've recently had a different situation. My seventy year old life time JW cousin (female) stays in touch with me.
We talk about her adventures in her assisted living there is always some kind of drama going on. There's a fair number of JW's in the facility so she can get a ride to the supermarket, get to her doctor and have friends in common.
Then she dropped a bomb shell on me.....for the past year and a half she's been sneaking out (takes a cab) late Friday evenings and visits a biker bar which features live heavy metal house band.
The back story is that she first visited it with a fellow JW who got the address mixed up with a more sedate place.
A couple of hours later........ her friend long gone, she caught a ride home with one of the band members.
She decided this was going to be her secret world.
"The bikers started calling me Grandma when I got up and danced with a couple of numbers not the slow."
I hadn't wanted to ask but did so anyway...."How in the heck were you able to dance?"
"I just take my walker with me and I move around, then they call me Steel Wheels!"
"The house band will talk to me between sets ( between sets!). And sometimes when I show up.......... They announce that Grandma's in the house and everybody starts to clap and whistle. Some of their girl friends will sit with me and talk about their families. Everyone is really nice to me and I feel so special! I really look forward to my visits."
"Yeah I get it........... but you know sometimes there's trouble."
"If it looks like a fight is about to break out (if a fight is going to break out!! dear god) four of the biggest guys get between me and what ever was happening....... I'm sitting down their standing guard....they look like giants I call them my Nephilim".
I don't hear from her for about a month, not unusual. Then I get a phone call.
"Hi I'm Brother SO and SO and I am working on your cousin's funeral service and wanted to get some insights as to the kind of person she was."
I'm a little shocked so I asked him why he called me. He told me she had two names in her private papers to call in this situation.......... Her brother....... a life long nobody institutionalized run of the mill JW ( my description not his)....... and me her non believing cousin.
I answered his family related questions........ spoke about her wonderful warmth and concerns for others but never went into this other part of her life. She was not about to talk about her Friday night visits to the Biker,s bar where everyone knew her name.Nor was I.
R.I.P Granny Steel Wheels.