May 1, 2003 WT page 19
WT quotes are in red (or quotes)Review comments in black (or parentheses)
Very few scriptures are quoted, mostly snippets and citations.
GIVE COMFORT TO THOSE WHO GRIEVE"Jehovah has anointed me…to comfort all the mourning ones."—Isaiah 61:1,2
Isaiah 61 (NIV)
The Year of the LORD 's Favor
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,
because the LORD has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
From this NWT snippet/NIV quote you might recognize that this scripture is a prophecy about the Messiah and was read by Jesus when he visited the synagogue in Nazareth and publicly applied it to himself.
The WTS/FDS considers itself the channel/conduit to Christ, Christ’s true brothers and the conduit of comfort from Christ and God. But what comfort does the WTS show is more important? Do they focus more on the proclaiming and preaching thinking that is the comfort? What comfort did the WTS show to those in 9-11? A few Bible verses as James warned about?
James 2 (MSG)
15 For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved 16 and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup--where does that get you?
Jehovah, the God of all real comfort, teaches us to be concerned when others (JWs) experience calamity. 1/15/87 WT p 4 The humanitarian work of Albert Schweitzer and "Mother" Teresa, for example, are well known internationally and both of them have won the Nobel peace prize.
On the other hand, one must ask: Has the social gospel really achieved its aim? Has it made real Christians of those who have benefited from the charitable works? Has it given the people true faith and hope? Even more importantly, we must ask: Is this what Jesus had in mind when he commissioned his followers to ‘preach the gospel in all the world’?—Matthew 24:14, King James Version
. 1/15/87 p 8 That sets the priority for modern-day disciples of Jesus Christ. They, too, must put preaching the Kingdom good news as their primary objective, over and above performing humanitarian works. That is what missionaries of Jehovah’s Witnesses endeavor to do.When such help is needed, we provide it for fellow worshipers (at a price, a recent poster on JWD mentioned that those who had homes rebuilt were presented with a cost sheet and ‘encouraged’ to make an appropriate donation to the WTS).
And the quote at the end of last week’s review:
We also show love to those outside the congregation, even to those who may not have given evidence of any love for us in the past.
Try and think, what does the WTS mean by showing love to those outside? Isn’t it by preaching the good news. The same ones that are demonized as being bad association and to be avoided? The same ones that have referred to at the circuit assembly as "corpses." Think of how JW family and other JWs have "shown love" to you as someone "outside the congregation."
And now the WTS applies Isaiah 61:1,2 above to themselves.
Modern-day anointed Christians have long recognized that this commission also applies to them (primarily) and the "other sheep" (secondarily).
Recognized only by themselves, self-appointed. For the first 50 years of their existence (1879-1929), the Bible Students were only concerned with finding the "remaining ones" of the anointed ones on earth. It was only in the 1930’s culminating with talk in 1935 that Rutherford revealed the "new light" that the growing numbers of JWs (new name in 1931) were not all anointed. The over 50,000 partaking then would fast overtake the 144,000 limit unless something was done to close the doors. So a secondary class was created, "the other sheep," second in importance, rank and reward.
Then the WTS addresses disasters.
Why does God permit calamities? The Bible clearly answers that question. However, it may take time for someone who has not been a student of the Bible to appreciate the answer fully. Help is provided in the (not the Bible but) publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There it is in black and white. All your questions about God are answered in the WTS publications not the Bible. Yes, and notice how they condescend to the non-JW reader by saying it is "clear" except to Bible illiterates.
Further down an experience is given and the sister says to the distraught women:
He loves them….and will soon bring about major changes on the earth…and obedient people will live forever—right here on this planet.
Yes, the carrot of everlasting life on earth makes it first appearance.
We endeavor (who ever uses that word…what’s wrong with "try") to convey to the grieving person by word and tone of voice that we deeply care about his situation. This is not accomplished by the use of hollow platitudes.Can JWs talking to a grieving person without using platitudes, such as, the new system will be here soon and you will see him in the resurrection. He/she won’t suffer any more and soon in the new system, illness will be done away with,
If a person feels his troubles are the result of bad things he has done, then we might tell him, without being judgmental.JWs are taught to be judgmental determining if people at the doors are going to live or die based on how they respond to the Jaw’s attempt to preach the good news. Listen, you might live. Not listen, you will be bird food.
10/15/95 WT p.
26 Many people may not personally have attacked Christ’s representatives, but neither have they treated his people lovingly. Preferring the wicked world, goatlike ones reject the Kingdom message, whether hearing it directly or indirectly 5/1/89 WT 19 Thus, everlasting destruction is the destiny of stubborn, goatlike people who do not want to know about God’s purposes or who refuse to act when they have the opportunity (but don’t expect to get a personal witness). 12/1/58 p. 717 What made work harder at times (aside from some goatish people and the ones not interested) was interference by police and law officers. 1/1/51 p. 29 Scoffers, critics and indifferent ones are classed with those who violently persecute God’s witnesses. They are goatish and their end will be everlasting cutting off in second death 6/1/50 WT p. 176 While group witnessing in Pasadena, California, finding very little interest, I came to a house on the corner. A goatish woman at the door cared more for her religious fodder than for the bread of life. WHEN LIFE IS MARRED BY VIOLENCE OR ECONOMIC HARDSHIP True Christians take care that in neither word nor deed do they take sides with one faction or the other in conflicts.Above is the first instruction on how to comfort people. Yes, do not "take sides."
But they appropriately use the Bible to show that present harsh conditions will not go on forever
.What does the WTS give as a possible solution to escape violence and poverty?
If they could escape to another land…lost their lives in the attempt. Those who do get to another land often find that they have simply exchanged one set of problems for another.
What is the solution, read them 5 long sets of scripture (not quoted in the paragraph).
"Help them to see the bigger picture."
An experience is given of a woman who escapes to another land with her husband who sends her away, then pregnant with a 10-year-old son to become a priest. The solution, read 2 more scriptures and long with an article from the WT and Awake. I wondered if they xeroxed a copy for her and gave them to her to read at a later date like the elders do?
She at last found comfort and a purpose in life (yes a WT article does that for me too!)
Of course, she and her son were still probably living in poverty and hunger (James 2:15,16).
The WTS says people might not listen. Why?
When people have suffered for many years or have been disappointed by many hollow promises.
Sounds like what many JWs have suffered at the hands of the WTS with their promise of the end in 1914, 1925, 1975…soon, soon now, on the threshold, imminent.
God has provided help but many have not accepted it (hollow platitudes from the WTS?).
People need to know that someone cares.
Alluding to 9-11, the WTS says:
Jehovah’s Witnesses reached out to those in their communities
Expressing sympathy for their great losses
Offering "words" of comfort from the Bible.
Words like James mentioned:
For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup--where does that get you?
An experience is given of man who died and what did his mother and fiancée do?
The mother of the young man along with his fiancée promptly got busy in the field service….many Bible studies were started (how many became JWs I wonder).
Yes, that is what we need to be doing when we find people who have lost loved ones. Take them in field service with us.
But not to be petty, the WTS does say:
When disaster strikes, you many encounter someone who is need of immediate physical help. This may involved calling a doctor, helping a person get to a clinic (in my congregation no one would take an older sister to the clinic so good luck), or doing whatever is possible to provide food and shelter (but take care of any JWs first. I have a picture in my mind’s eye of a JW stepping over a bleeding child to help an elder with a scratch in his arm).
Is the person in emotional turmoil? Is the house filled with grieving relatives? There may be much that you would like to say, but discretion is important.
Yes, don’t bring out the brochures and start handing them out. Don’t start telling them that their loved one is not in heaven. But no, the WTS says:
Perhaps the fitting thing is to express sympathy, leave an appropriate Bible publication (a brochure, a magazine, or a tract), and then call after a few days.
Why not leave a sympathy card?! Some people even give money to help out with the funeral. Who wants someone’s religious promotional literature?
The WTS admits:
This may not be the time to try to refute wrong views.
Well, what do they think is in those brochures, magazines and tracts but WTS propaganda refuting their wrong views?
Note what the "When Someone We Love Dies" brochure says:
27 A Sure Hope for the DeadThe Bible, however, holds out a much different hope. As we have previously noted, the Scriptures indicate that it is possible to be reunited with your dead loved one in the near future, not in an unknown heaven but right here on earth under peaceful, righteous conditions. And at that time humans will have the prospect of enjoying perfect health, and they will never have to die again.
30 A Sure Hope for the DeadJehovah God, who started mankind off in a lovely garden, has promised to restore Paradise on this earth under the rule of His heavenly Kingdom in the hands of the now glorified Jesus Christ. (Genesis 2:7-9; Matthew 6:10; Luke 23:42, 43) In that restored Paradise, the human family will have the prospect of enjoying life without end, free from all sickness and disease. (Revelation 21:1-4; compare Job 33:25; Isaiah 35:5-7.) Gone, too, will be all hatred, racial prejudice, ethnic violence, and economic oppression. It will be into such a cleansed earth that Jehovah God through Jesus Christ will resurrect the dead.
Then to top this off the WTS suggests:
An invitation to the Kingdom Hall may help the grieving one to get to know people who truly love their neighbors and who know how to building one another up.
Pardon while I vomit. Wait till they are baptized and no one can count time talking to them any more and they are off to the next new one or spending their time on people with prestige and power at the KH.
Yes, the WTS counsels:
Being a true comforter implies making yourself available to those who are grieving.
My experience with this having had 3 members of our family die (not deserving JWs though) was that no one came to the visitation. My non-JW in-laws were astonished at the first, angry by the second, and steaming by the third. How could I tell them that because the deceased was not a JW it did not count? No announcements at the KH as with other JWs when losing family members. We received 3 cards total from JWs for all 3 funerals. No phone calls just a convenient "sorry to hear" from a few people at the hall. No one had any time to comfort us. One sister said, "Well, after all, we have the comfort of the resurrection. What else do we need?"
I’m sure everyone who reads this has an story to tell of how they did not receive the comfort they expected from their fellow "true" Christians. Hopefully, while JWs we were not the ones with hollow platitudes. I have made it my aim to send cards and give help to all who lose loved ones. No brochures left on the table from me.