There is a controversial claim in this article, quite different to what christians usually claim. It interested me, as I often wondered how as jws we could claim to be loving and kind (and certainly some were) yet, be quite callous about those who rejected our message.. You can find this story on this research at:
If interested read it for yourself. The study found that children raised in non-religious households are kinder and more altruistic than those raised with religion. The study looked at 1170 children between the ages of 5 and 12 years in six countries (Canada, China, Jordan, Turkey, USA, and South Africa) and examined “the religiousness of their household, and parent-reported child empathy and sensitivity to justice."
The study was conducted at the University of Chicago and published in the academic journal, 'Current Biology.'
Before your fully accept the findings however, you may like to read some criticism of the research. Its a good example of the so-called 'scientific method' in operation. There will likely be more studies and we will see what the final findings demonstrate.
I thought about both articles, and attempted to draw my own conclusion, which was that teaching kindness, love etc is fine. But, the problem likely arises because christians want to add a rider i.e. divine punishment. if you do not worship their mythical divinity then you will A. Be tortured forever in hell, B. Die and never get a resurrection. C. God will kill you at Armageddon. Faced with these modifers, who can blame kids for becoming less loving and less kind, at least to some.