Who are the bullies, bigots and criminals really, Watchtower?
Bullies: DF kids, teens, the mentally ill and threatening them with the loss of family, friends and whole support network unless they DO AS WE SAY? Blame victims of child sex abuse and rape? Blame victims of domestic violence....whatever their sex and age? Use our money and power to order courts to do our bidding against our own poor members? Use gossip as a weapon? Use shame, fear, obligation and guilt as a weapon to get what WE want? Weaponize families?
Bigots: you mean homophobes, sexists (who believe women are lower creatures because smaller brains) and those who believe a different religion to mine deserves death? Who uses derogatory terms like "worldly" for those who do not belong to their publishjng corporation?
Criminals: is perjury a crime? Paedophillia? Insurance fraud? Concealing court requested documents on sex offenders? Advocating violence upon children? Are Perpetrators and defenders of domestic violence, criminal?