Do you think its more satisfying to know that you are responsible for your own actions and that its completely up to the choices you make? Or is the hope that "god" gives give a nice goal to reach for even if you have specific things to follow?
On that same subject... Which is easier to follow? Making up your own morals/values but knowing that there is noone to live up to except yourself? Or already having the rules written for you and letting the big guy take care of your salvation?
I think the rules of life are simply and we are already encoded with the real important stuff like you shouldnt kill, you shouldnt hurt people physically mentally etc. Im glad that I can finally take responsabilies for my own actions .. if somthing bad happens in my life it might be my fault or it could be bad luck but god or satan isnt testing me. I know there is nobody to blame, and if somthing good happens it isnt gods will.
Its very freeing to think about your life in a very simple context instead of weighing everything down to would Jesus do this or that.
I personally think it is much easier for a person to follow there own instincts and as Jesus said, the road to heaven is long and narrow and the road to hell is short and wide. I personally would rather follow what Jesus says as I prefer to think that there is more to life than just life here on earth as we know it today. I would rather be safe than sorry and I also know from personal experience that following Jesus teachings and not following his teachings, does make a difference. To me anyways. I find much more happiness in my life being a kind, loving and giving person than to be the kind of person I was before I found Jesus. I also prefer the thought of there being something more to my life than to just live and die because if that were the case then life would all be in vain. I cannot believe that we are all here just to be in vain. There has to be a purpose otherwise why would we even be here ?
Our instinct allows us to be GOOD or to be BAD there are good benefits to being GOOD and there are no benefits in being bad because if we are a bad person people tend to not like us but if we are a good person we are well loved and admired. I`ll leave it at that........God Bless Us Everyone.
Since I have started to question the whole Christian thing, and have decided to think for myself. i am very happy. It is a kind of contentment. It's great to be able to give myself credit when things go right and to take responsiblity when things go wrong. I really only having to worry about myself and my kids. The freedom is wonderful. Not having to worry about what Jesus would do, no guilt. that is the best thing.
I’ve thought about this a lot and have posted about it more than once.
The answer depends on the individual. I think it’s deeply comforting to “know” that, at death, you’ll either sleep until resurrection or be “changed in a twinkling of an eye” to reappear before a heavenly throne. As I result, I truly believe that my mother has less fear of death than I do. Death, the way I look at it now, is the end of my life... period. When it comes, I’m thinking that I’ll be less comfortable with what it means than she will.
I think her hope in the resurrection is an illusion but the net effect on her is a positive one.
I agree with you Tee Jay--My JW parents and grandparents are less fearful of death because of their hope of a resurrection. But aren't all staunch religious people? So I'd have to answer your question of who is happier? with--people who believe in God.
They can have their warm, security-blanket, thoughts with them always.
BTW...yes, I am a new poster. Have been lurking off and on for 1 1/2 years or so. Posted before, but it's probably been a year and I changed my profile. Am a df'd 'witness' for over 2 years now. Family still in and not speaking to me.