Oh gawd, another U (you) Know !!! uuuhhgg.
Welcome to the board, Enter at your own risk. I am sure you will meet many very quickly on your first thread.
by Nosferatu 30 Replies latest jw friends
Oh gawd, another U (you) Know !!! uuuhhgg.
Welcome to the board, Enter at your own risk. I am sure you will meet many very quickly on your first thread.
Did your lifestyle work in harmony with what yo were praying for. If not..Can u figure out why your prayer wasn't answered.
I woke up at 5:00 a.m. on a Thursday morning to be ready at 6:15 a.m. to go out on early street witnessing service. At 9:00 a.m. I met the others at the KH to go out in the field for door to door work. At 12 noon I and my group stopped for lunch at the local Carl's Jr. and enjoyed a nice wholesome conversation. At 1 p.m. we get back in our car for some Return Visits. At 2:30 p.m. I go along on a bible study with one of the sisters. At 4:00 p.m. I home. I rest for a while maybe watch some TV (Wholesome programs only) At 7:00 p.m. I start doing some personal study for the meetings or field service. By 9:30 p.m. I am in bed trying to go to sleep so I can wake up to start my routine all over again. I did this pretty much everyday in the summer for 3 of my teenage years. I never received the help I needed to stop masturbating. LOL And I prayed for the help all the time.
Welcome to the board.
I know that you're still a little blinded by the organisation. It's okay... you came here and are at least reading some of our posts.
Jevhovah never really helped me. My self esteem was in the toilet, and he did nothing. Nothing I could do for the truth ever was good enough.
Thank god I am free - free from the hatred.
It is not the truth. That is something that I can unequivically (spelling?) and explicitly say. Jesus has his name hijacked again.
Iv'e asked God to take me back to the past so I could save my father from the terrible death he suffered but he told me I had to build a time machine in order to do that. Anybody have some blueprints?
I don't have any time machine schematics handy, but this fellow might:
Uknowitsthetruth - That's like telling someone you can travel through time if you close your eyes hard enough and concentrate - then if it doesn't happen it's because they didn't concentrate enough. I have heard your reasoning before for unanswered prayers and it did not sit well with me.
I am a born again Christian and I do believe in Jesus and in prayer. Why are some unanswered? I don't know. One thing I have learned as I've grown from my JW past is that sometimes we just don't know the answer. And to try and pull one out of the air just to always have an answer isn't the way to go either. There is a christian rock song with lyrics along this line that I like "Sometimes he calms the seas, sometimes he calms his child" - the idea behind it is that for some reason God will sometimes remove the pain, and other times leave the pain yet give us the strength and support to deal with it.
I'm not saying that is THE answer - just one of many possible reasons.
I find that now I don't necessarily pray for THINGS from God all the time - but I find it is a sort of meditation that helps me work through problems, plan for the future, that kind of stuff.
I love the title of this thread. Made me LOL.
Hello uknowthetruth! First of all, I'd like to thank you for hijacking my thread. From your answer, it sounds like Jehovah has helped you cope with all your problems. That's great to hear! Also, I've never been baptized, so you don't have to feel guilty about talking to someone who has been disfellowshipped. Now, onto your comment...
Everyon knows that Jehovah does not place burdens on you he helps you cope with them and allows them to happen inorder to view your faith.
Now, if this is true, Jehovah must have helped me after I left the organization. It literally took me years to realize what had become of me psychologically from the abuse that I had recieved at school. I had psychological problems that would surface whenever someone would stand near me or make a sudden movement. While I was studying, I never could understand why I had this reaction to people. After I left the truth, I understood it and I'm dealing with it much better. My reaction rarely occurs thanks to my total understanding of it.
If Jehovah would have helped me coped with the abuse I was recieving at school, my conscience wouldn't have bothered me when the thought of kicking some ass entered my mind. I never fought back.
As for my spiritual state, I had absolutely no problems in elementary school with any of my peers. I stood out in the hall for O Canada, I didn't participate in patriotic or pagan school activities, and I continued to abstain from these activities when I entered high school. However, when I was in high school, I was progressing very well in the truth - my meeting attendance went up, I became an unbaptized publisher, and I was quickly learning from the incredibly knowledgeable elder who was studying with me. I put my complete trust in Jehovah.
The abuse I was recieving at school was of course brought on by Satan the devil, who was testing my faith at the time, but I remained strong. I prayed to Jehovah frequently to help me through all the kickings, punchings, verbal insults, etc etc. Now, let me ask you, where did the nervous breakdown come from? Where did my psychological problem come from? Why did my psychological problem go away after I left the truth? Why has my confidence in myself gone up after I left the truth?
Did your lifestyle work in harmony with what yo were praying for. If not..Can u figure out why your prayer wasn't answered.
So in other words you answer your own prayers by you taking the effort and you changing your own life? Credit be to Jehovah then? God, what a scam artist.
Nosferatu, what a waste to suffer so for a book printing company! The J-dud leaders are incapable of feeling any true sympathy for your situation. They are above all meer human suffering. I am glad you are healing from this pain.
uknowthetruth, are you for real? If you are goofing on us it is in poor taste. If you are serious, well...F--k you OK! Maverick