I get it, not a fan of Yahweh the desert God. But what about Jesus? Anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set. You have to admit if everyone lived by his teachings the world would be a better place. I find it hard to believe he was a figment of someone's overactive imagination. All intelligent comments welcome !
Sincere question to those who no longer believe in God
by nowwhat? 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nothing wrong with that sermon at all. Nothing wrong with any of the Don't-be-a-dick admonitions in the bible... and so many other books. However, it's all just a collection of human common sense, not "inspired truths" or "wisdom from above"
Here my problem... nobody cares about jesus if isnt the desert gods son. So, as zoos said, of you want to take the general ‘dont be a dick’ teachings of jesus or any other philosophy, im with you all the way. The problem becomes putting jesus on a pedestal because he claimed divinity, specifically to be the son of the aforementioned desert god. If you cant separate his claim of origin from his philosophy then its tainted.
I get it, not a fan of Yahweh the desert God. But what about Jesus? Anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set. You have to admit if everyone lived by his teachings the world would be a better place. I find it hard to believe he was a figment of someone's overactive imagination. All intelligent comments welcome !
I have stated before that I do not consider myself neither a believer, nor a non-believer. I don't have a believe or non-believe about the god thing; I have an attitude about it.
Regarding Jesus, he was in fact a real person. He existed. His teachings at the time may have been excellent (provided that the documentation of his existence is accurate).
Jesus walking on water, being the son of god, turning water into wine, bringing people back from death, that's all nonsense to me, and none of those things have ever been proven that happened. Most importantly to me is that if I'm going to believe in Jesus as some kind of deity, I don't need to see any miracles, I don't need any of that. What I need is seeing how he lived, how much was he putting his money where his mouth is, how much of what he preached he actually showed that he believed in himself. To me, that's what a role model does, that's what any kind of leader should do.
Then there's the practicality side of it. Today people attribute so much to that Jesus thing that there's no way to collectively worship a god in accordance. BTW, to me that says that as a god, he sucks. Look at all what happens in the world around hi, or basing bad actions on his teachings. Saying that i believe in Jesus places people in certain category, and not one that will result in anything better in any way, shape or form.
Then there's his teachings versus the way we live today. Any Wikipedia page is 1,000 times more informative, practical and useful today than any of his teachings.
Finally, there's a reason why I have an attitude, which is, why on Earth do I need Jesus, or Jehovah, or a Bible, or a temple, or an organization, or anything else outside of myself to tell me that I have to be a loving, kind person? I can do that on my own. In fact, I have better morals than many of those Jesus freaks I see around. You go to a jail, look at how many believers are there. That can give you a clue that imposing morals on people doesn't work.
I don't believe in god. I have lost all faith.
I have definitively come to the conclusion that its all myths and fairytales with no reason to believe.If there were a god - these 3 things would be true.
1. Evidence of his existence would be INDISPUTABLE
2. His message would be UNAMBIGUOUS
But what about Jesus?
Jesus worshipped and adored Yahweh, the moral monster of the Old Testament. He taught his followers to do likewise. HIs moral judgement is therefore suspect at best.
He taught that he was going to return in Kingdom power within the lifetime of his early disciples. Based on this false promise men like Peter abandoned their wives, children and businesses to follow him around Judea and Israel. He taught them that obedience to him was more important than loving their families.
He was a false prophet and a egomaniacal cult leader.
And now I'm off to watch the new film Mary Magdalene.
I am leaning toward the wacky conspiracy theory that Christianity was created by Paul aka Saul of Tarsus. If you were to take Jesus' spoken words from the 4 gospels and lay them out on their own or as a collective and compare them to all the letters to the Christian Congregations I believe there is a significant difference.
It is believed (whoa - Watchtower speak) that the first Gospel written was Mark and it was written around 70 C.E. That's nearly 4 decades after the events written about took place. Matthew and Luke are thought to have been written around 80 to 90 C.E. That's 50 to 60 years after the events written about took place.
However, Paul's writings were written between 52 and 67 C.E. Paul's circuit of visiting congregations was from 37 to 67 C.E. Paul's writings took place very close to the events they memorialize.
I am leaning toward the theory that Christianity was created as propaganda to pacify the non-Roman citizens of the Roman Empire.
Please, correct me if I am wrong, but I have found that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which are all closely related, are the only religions that teach -
- There is only on true god
- All non-believers are worthy of destruction
- Humans are imperfect
Those tenants are the root of so many problems in human society.
Some of what jesus said in the sermon was already said. There’s a saying that there’s nothing new under the sun. Many of the things attributed to jesus had already been attributed to guys like Buddha and Krishna. Some of his sayings were already in prayer chants.
Osisris had already been a savior god that had died for three days and when during his annual celebration the people ate bread and drank beer as a representation of his body. When the Greeks took over and combined his likeness with that of several Greek gods like Dyonisis it switched to bread and wine.
Man has attributed many great saying and deeds to their god which ever god they worshipped at the time. Again “nothing new under the sun” , but let’s not forget Jesus wasn’t all that great for he told his followers in the stories of the Bible that non believers should be killed.
Regarding Jesus, he was in fact a real person. He existed.
Wow! Thats incredible!!! I assume you have proof? Or some reason fo believe it...?
. Mary Magdalene . of . Jesus: . “I will be heard.”