Lett is back with a vengance!
* The last money-begging effort increased donations by 15% for two months; a letter by a 13 year old who donated is read out loud
* Since last may "so many good things have happened". This is: They continue to feed bethelites, they fund the construction project at bethel, various construction projects & purchase of video equipment at convention centers ("Seeing the participants up close holds our attention and enhances our learning experience"), and build kingdom halls & remote translation offices.
...but they still need more money...
* Quote: "The governing body has re-analysed ways to cut back at all branches to re-direct money to the field. including long-standing Bethel routines and services". Layoffs not mentioned directly but implied.
* Lett is surprised some people do not believe in god in sweeden, lol.
* Various things they spend money on is mentioned to demonstrate the donations are used well.
* Song is about getting your children into the religion and generally giving "your very best" to the religion. ugh.