Why does it seem that most of those who came out of the borg are so angry at the world ? It seems that most have given up faith in God entirely and most are so cold to others especially when others are so in time of need. Just because we left an evil religion does that give us reason to be so hateful ? I see so much of it here. I admit I too have said some things that were out of order, but they were on Government issues. But to be so hating of other people here who are or have been through the same road as all of us why can we not find some love and compassion and so understanding here, I guess the main question is why did the borg make some so angry and spiteful ? When I came out of the borg I was thankful that it happened but I never gave up my faith in God or my kindness in my fellow man..
Coming out ?
by KGB 10 Replies latest jw friends
I guess what I want to know is why are some of you so bitter towards other people, were you bitter while being in the borg ? Did they not teach against being bitter ? Shouldn't we be bitter at the borg and not our fellowman ?
To the extent that it's true, it's possibly because our experiences as JWs have made us question everything. Personally, I see incompetence, apathy and corruption everywhere and it makes me mad.
But I'm not sure what you're describing is a real phenomenon. I don't see an overwhelming amount of anger here beyond what one would expect on such a large and diverse discussion board.
I've been hanging around this board for a long time, and I can't say that I have noticed a disproportionate amount of anger or hostility.
I suppose a certain amount is understandable, considering the trauma that many have gone through. But, in general, it seems to me that most people are a lot happier out than in.
Personally i've become very cynical (you'd never have guessed would you) and like FunkyDerek said, you question everything and don't take anything at face value.
This can be quite disturbing sometimes when you used to live your life in a little blanket of 'I'm a witness, i'm right everyone else is wrong' and then you come to the realisation that it is all a lie.
I was more bitter when I was in the borg. Today, I think the borg is a joke. I still believe in God, but I don't believe in organized religion.
I think a lot of the reason for people's bitterness is from being decieved for so long. They've wasted many years believing in a joke. I really don't blame them.
Personally, I was never completely bought. I was forced to go to meetings against my own will for 13 years. The truth was never truly in my "heart", therefore I'll be a lot less bitter than many others on here who were completely convinced and devoted. These people were alienated for years from reality. They've come out of the borg, and realized the real life that they've been "protected" from. There's so much that can be accomplished in life, and they've had many years of possible accomplishment taken away from them. They have to start over and learn how to adapt to life in their later years instead of being eased into it from infancy. My heart truly goes out to the people who have realized all of this, and have taken the steps necessary to adapt to real life.
Some people will say "get over it", but you can't quickly get over deception from people you trusted in for a long time. This takes a lot of years, and a lot of healing, but it can never be truly forgotten. I applaud everyone here who are on their way, or have developed a life outside the borg.
I am not angry with the world. As a whole, I feel rather content. I look forward to tomorrow, enjoy today, and appreciate what life has taught me yesterday.
Maybe it`s just me but it seemed like in a lot of the post made here people were cutting others in two. I can understand being angry at the borg for deceiving us but I don`t understand the bitterness towards God. God did not deceive us it was the governing body who lied to us and so I see that most who have come out have a hatred towards God and some have a hatred towards those who still believe....
....and you know what, not all (just most here) believe the JWs to be that "evil religion" either. Apart from that I agree with what you say. You'll only get "cut in two" here if you digress from the anti-wt/jw line. Post anything "pro" and you'll get labelled, from troll to imbecile. LOL
Scott-still waiting for a forum name change to "Forum for EX Jehovahs Witnesses" rather than the decieving one currently availiable on any search engine.....clever eh?
Scooby Snax,
What a despicable piece of garbage you are. How dare you call ex-Jehovah's Witnesses bitter or angry you disgusting twirp! I hope there is a hell and your flesh melts off your bones for all eternity as you are forced to eat your own fesces.
PS -- That was a joke you know.