Apologies for any hurt feelings

by Simon 50 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Mac

    Or is it too little , too late? Time will tell..............


  • Simon

    Thanks ... Angharad did have an inkling about that topic (she's smarter than me).

    I'm sure some of it has to do with me being the 'authority' and when people have come out of the WTS then they push against any kind of authority. Some probably like to push the limits and see how far things can go. I personally hate the complaints that I should be neutral in everything which is impossible (for me !).

    Maybe sometimes people expect too much and forget that in reality I am just another poster - while I like to imagine that my every utterance is insightful literary genius (like everyone else I expect) the reality is I post my share of goofs and drivel and utter nonsense.

    I think the idea of a 'war' amnesty is good. I certainly don't hold grudges (well, maybe one or two) and even if I've had major fallouts with posters I tend to have forgotten about it the week later. It's up to the people concerned though, I can only think of 1 poster who was actually deleted over the war and my email is open. I hope people who decided to leave know that they are welcome back and there is no hard feelings despite strong words on both sides.



    I think about what it must be like sometimes...for you and Angharad....and this forum...

    That is a ton of work!

    Not only that, you just recently did a changeover to an entirely new system...with all it's glitches and hiccups. Simon, I think that you and Angharad are just wonderful. If you feel a bit frustrated at times and stressed....sheesh! It is natural! You have taken on quite a load of responsibility on our behalf!!!

    You might wanna delegate some of this workload to others on this forum who understand the system and could administrate. You need -- and deserve -- a break and a holiday from it.

    I speak not only for myself, but for other appreciative ones....when I say, "Thank you!" ...for all your hard work and committment. You are providing a valuable service to all of us here I don't know what I would have done without this forum to vent some of my frustrations and other emotions that I have gone through since leaving the dubs. You are a gift in our lives.

    You are beloved and appreciated by soooo many!!

    Love ya!



    From what I have seen since my 5 or 6 month stint on here, Simon has been overall: diplomatic

    Despite differentiating opinions expressed by members on here; he's allowed people to express their opposing views, and he has contributed his own as well. But at least they've been allowed to co-exist.

    He's not one to be walked upon either. Good thing too.

    I have no complaints or concerns.

    I have been on many forums: JW forums, and non-JW forums. This one is pretty damn good.

    You owe me NO apology.

  • waiting

    Hey Simon,

    Now considered.....'Ol friend.

    Just a question - which I'm sure Ang has already considered - perhaps an on/off schedule allowing yourself total freedom from This Place at least several days of the week?

    We posters might tear the place up a bit - but like leaving the kids home alone - it's usually repairable when the responsible parents come back. As for the techy part - is it possible to share some of that?

    lol............I remember when we used to answer our own posts here, it was so lonely!

    Congressmen are so damned dumb, they could throw themselves on the ground and miss. James Traficant

    Now that I've poked at 'mercuns...........remembering the infamous thread last week

    Polls are for dogs. John Diefenbaker

    waiting - who luvs ya.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Simon ..

    I think the idea of a 'war' amnesty is good. I certainly don't hold grudges (well, maybe one or two) and even if I've had major fallouts with posters I tend to have forgotten about it the week later. It's up to the people concerned though, I can only think of 1 poster who was actually deleted over the war and my email is open. I hope people who decided to leave know that they are welcome back and there is no hard feelings despite strong words on both sides.

    I'm glad you feel that way. Why don't you just make it a 'no-fault, let's move on' blanket amnesty? In other words, just undelete the people who for the most part got hot under the collar or hurt feelings from last April until today. Start a thread with some catchy title FOR THOSE WHO'VE BEEN DELETED HERE (or whatever). I've really missed several of the 'old' posters and I think I speak for others too. If you make it 'easy' for them, it will speak volumns.... if they become 'pissy' when they return, that will speak volumns too. (my 2 cents)

  • Banshee

    Simon and Angharad,

    Thank you, once again, for providing this forum. I appreciate your hard work and sacrifices made in order to keep up this site. I have enjoyed my time spent reading & chatting here.

    I missed much of this political debating, since I was away from here for a few months. I generally refrain from joining in on those discussions here, anyway.

    You are doing a fine job here. Thanks so much.


  • Englishman

    Double Edge said:

    I'm glad you feel that way. Why don't you just make it a 'no-fault, let's move on' blanket amnesty? In other words, just undelete the people who for the most part got hot under the collar or hurt feelings from last April until today. Start a thread with some catchy title FOR THOSE WHO'VE BEEN DELETED HERE (or whatever). I've really missed several of the 'old' posters and I think I speak for others too. If you make it 'easy' for them, it will speak volumns.... if they become 'pissy' when they return, that will speak volumns too. (my 2 cents)

    I agree. Why not do away with deletions entirely, and replace it with a suspension period instead? It would solve several problems. The poster who has posted something really insulting in a fit of temper then gets to cool off rather than trying to gain support on the other boards. Also, at the moment, everyone knows that a deleted poster has had to apply to return, which does somewhat prevent the prouder one's from coming back. There are some good people out there who have good stuff to contribute but who are just to ornery to back down. This way no-one needs to back down. Also Simon doesn't have to brow beat himself over whether he has done the right thing or not seeing as it's only a suspension which wouldn't cause nearl as much resentment.

    Of course only a percentage would return, but at least no-one would feel pernanently gagged. If some real dyed-in-the-wool JWD haters came back and posted trash, then the trash could just be deleted and the suspension re-activated.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Right on Englishman!

    Also Simon doesn't have to brow beat himself

    How true... no more brow beating... we need him to conserve his strength as it's tough being the host.

  • DJ


    I have always considered you to be just another bloody bloke here who also does all of the work! Do you like my Brit accent? Thanks for all of your patience and tireless effort and you are allowed to have grumpy days just as we all do! You are a treasure for your caring effort to help the masses heal. I appreciate your wife as well. She must have her hands full..lol..hi Ang!! love, dj

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