I've been having a rough go financially lately and my job is less than rewarding. My hours have slowly been cut back over the last few months to the point where I've had to decide between food and bills. However, my sister's friend brought me a job ad. looking for someone with picture framing and managerial experience. I immediatly went to the place with my resume. The very next day (today) I got a phone call from the area manager wanting to meet with me. He said he was very impressed with my resume and would I please come in and meet with him. I spent about an hour and a half talking with him and he said he would strongly recommend that the district manager meet with me and hire me. Apparantly the position has been open for two months and he's found noone with my experience or qualifications. The position would give me a large increase in salary and benefits! It would also give me alot of responsibility which would be very welcome. Needless to say I'm very excited! Guess if I get this job I would be a proper grown up eh?
We'll see how it goes but I am very confidant.