""When I began my Fade several years later, the first thing I did was to rid my mind of this paradise earth teaching because I felt it was a cruel trick to play on my mind. I don’t know if I truly ever believed it. It was a nice mental exercise..Everybody and every creature has died all throughout history (unless a few special people are keeping their existence secret).""
I 100% concur. You know something, it is very, very , very cruel trick to do this to people. By telling them they will never die by doing everything you tell them to do. Then insulting your intelligence by telling you about this fictitious future. Very cruel thing to do to people, by dangling this "carrot" forever. To a future which is NEVER coming.
I was the same way. I had to 'deprogram' myself too!!! To get rid of this paradise earth thing and living forever. Cruel mental trick to keep you 'hostage' to the Borg.
Not one thing ever born,,,,on this planet,,,,has ever escaped their eventual end.
All it takes is some critical thinking to escape Borg 'mentality'.
This is the information-age now. There are a 'plethora' of sites, youtube videos and books to buy to help you with deprogramming from Borg mentallity, carrot and stick.