Jesika/Aztec and everyone!

by Ron1968 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ron1968

    Hi Jesika and Aztec,

    I hope you can help me to get to know everyone better here. This is a really huge forum from what I am used to. I still have a lot to offer though. I think I may still need support, but I know I can give much support too at this point too!!.

    For those who don't know, I was a jw for 29 of my 34 years and have been posting on only one ex-jw site. That has been helpful, but I want to post to another site also that is more extensive.

    I will admit that it is hard at first to get to know people on a new forum, but that is what I want to try to do. Please let me know. Jes and Aztec, you both have my email I think.

    .How does a newbie get to be familiar with SO many people?? I will get to know you all though! Don't worry as I intend to!!


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Leave your name at the front desk and someone will call.

    cheeses - just a bit busy for a chat right now.

  • qwerty

    Hiya Ron

    Do you have MS Messenger if you do or if you don't my email Address is Qwerty_dav@hotmail .com


  • Brummie
    How does a newbie get to be familiar with SO many people??

    Do what I did, get right up in everybodies face! They will then get to know you instead of vice versa!

    Alternatively try the following and you will soon get to know people:

    1) Spell your words wrong on a purpose, that will get you noticed by the spell checkers here.

    2) Start a thread on the USA Vs UK, you will get a whole host of people noticing.

    3) Insult people, that will get the moderators noticing you.

    4)Begin a sentence calmly stating "Homophobia sucks" you will get the attention 99% of the board noticing you.

    5) Act superior to other races...its a winner for getting to know people.

    6) Have a picture of a cute tom cat as an avatar, just dont let people meet you in person otherwise their cute image of you will be shattered.

    7) Have an avatar of a mouse, I will notice ya

    8) Post 2000 posts in just a few months...(Listen to the voice of experience)


  • Jesika

    LMAO @ Brummie!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good to see ya posting again!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Call me!!!!!!!!!!


  • onacruse

    Hi Ron, and welcome

    I was a jw for 29 of my 34 years

    So actually you are really a newbie-oldbie. What, were you baptized when you were 5 yrs. old? LOL Please tell; inquiring minds inquiringly need to inquire.


    PS: Disregard brummie-stroodle; he's about to get limited to 1 post per year


    Well Ron, it's good that you are here.

    Every forum, no matter which one they are from, strive to help others in their healing process post-JW.

    Basically, pick and choose topics that interest you. Post to the ones you like, disregard the others.

    You'll find that people will get to know you somewhat via the topic you post to, and you too in turn will give others a better idea of who you are.

    Takes time. This forum moves very quickly, and it is very extensive.

    Make yourself at home, and jump right in.

    Best wishes,

  • Ron1968

    You are all wonderful! I will try to call Jes now, but I really like all of you as we have something very important in common right?


  • Aztec

    Ronnie, for goshsakes, don't try to get to know EVERYBODY. LOL! Just poke your nose in on conversations as you see fit and eventually you'll get to know some people. There's alot of cool people here (including Brummie..LOL). Take your time and email me as much as you need to k? Seems I'm in "time out" on a certain board anyway, we can talk about that eh?


  • mouthy

    Welcome Ron ! I am the Granny on board.... Dont believe Brummie for starters! He is cuter in person than his cat.... I know I have met him.. You will find we are a reasonable lot for the most part. Enjoy the ride on cyberspace- I love it for a 76 year old ! Its hard for an old dog to learn new tricks but they teach me a lot on here---Some healthy- ( some not!!!!lol

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