Why I think the jw's are a cult and not a religion

by Ron1968 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reagan_oconnor

    I was DFed and reinstated and promptly walked away.

    Dad is PO in the Cong and Mom was a Reg. Pio. for years. When I remarried my wonderful husband, they attended the wedding, wished us well, celebrated with my in-laws... and 2 years later, I received a letter cutting off all contact.


    There are days that I am so angry I want to call my mother and give her hell... and other days where I cry because of the relationship they've thrown away.

    They aren't going to have a relationship with their grandchild, and I hope this pains them... so that they can suffer some of what they've put me through.

  • czarofmischief

    Anybody that makes you wear a tie is a cult.


  • AlanF

    When talking about "cults" you have to first define the term in a way that makes sense. There are a number of ways in which people use the word, some pejorative and some neutral. "You're in a damned cult!" is obviously pejorative. "They were in the cult of Mithras" is obviously neutral.

    The way in which many people use "cult" is like what Pork Chop said: "A religion I don't like." However, thinking that this is necessarily a bad thing ignores the fact that most people have a pretty good reason for disliking certain religions, and ignores the fact that most people don't think of most religions as cults.

    I think that the best working definition of "cult" is given by Steven Hassan and others like him. Hassan's two books Combatting Cult Mind Control (1988) and Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves (2000) give very precise descriptions of what a cult is all about. Jehovah's Witnesses and a number of other well known religions fit the descriptions very well.

    The definition involves the degree of control exercised by religious leaders, the degree to which the group attributes divine qualities to the leaders, the degree of isolation from others and exclusiveness to which a member must bend, the degree to which internal criticism is tolerated, the degree to which the group subscribes to whacky ideas, and so forth. Most people have no trouble pegging Moonies and Hare Krishnas as cults, according to these definitions. When people get educated about the JWs, they usually agree that JWs also fit Hassan's definition of a cult.


  • Shakita

    Hi Ron,

    In my view, the Wt proves itself to be a cult by the way it treats those members that no longer want to remain as Witnesses. A Witness member knows that if he/she associates with a disfellowshipped or disassociated member then that person can also be disfellowshipped.

    The most egregious example is how the WT treats family members that dare associate with their sons/daughters that are disfellowshipped or disassociated. A friend of mine that is a staunch Witness related to me a story out of Baltimore. An elder there had the audacity to have dinner with his two disfellowshipped sons. Some anal retentive Witness observed the elder out to dinner with his df'ed children and dutifully reported it to the congregation. This congregation forced the elder to step down. The WT has no business sticking their noses into the personal affairs of their members, but they do so to maintain control over their members.

    Because of the punitive stand of the WT, some have been cowed into acquiescing to the Society's edicts or else they will lose their treasured position in the organization. Worse than that, a Witness stands to lose contact with family members and lifelong friends if he doesn't knuckle under to the Society's view of things. The WT is practicing a form of terrorism by enforcing their discipline on family members that refuse to completely cut off their family members. In my view, the Watchtower proves itself a cult because loyal Witness members are willing to sacrifice their own sons, daughters, husbands, wives, etc., to the pronouncements of their Governing Body idol.

    Mr. Shakita

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Steven Hassan is too agenda driven for my taste, professional "anti cult" people give me the hives.

  • AlanF

    I hear you, Pork Chop, but think: Why do you think Hassan has an "agenda"? And what do you think that "agenda" is?


  • Ron1968


    I agree totally! The example of a dad having dinner with his disfellowshipped sons and got in trouble for it is the kind of stuff that proves the point. It also makes me


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