Recent incident with lion and JW Governing Body member in Africa

by JWchange 16 Replies latest social humour

  • tiki
    The lioness however, spit out the Rolex and left it lying shining in the hot sun. Later that day some skinny sad waifs came along and discovered what to them was a magical toy. They played with it for hours...and when the sun fell behind the veldt hastened home to their gruel....hiding their treasure from the village elders for fear they'd confiscate the golden time went on great fortune struck the little village and the livestock grew plentiful and fat....gardens grew and the people enjoyed grand harvests. Then one day a pride of lions came around foraging...and ate up all the newly fattened villagers. One young male found the glittery gold tarnished and less magical...pawed at it a bit....then stalked back off into the brush. Moral of the story...leave your damn Rolex home when on safari.
  • punkofnice
    The Lioness got on her knees and begged Jehovah to take this drunken monstrosity of a WBT$ pope away from her. She so wanted to protect her cubs from his advances. He was wearing tight leopard skin pants.
  • GrreatTeacher

    So, when you say tight leopard skin pants, do you mean that in the American way, as in trousers, or in the UK sense of underpants?

    Because, ewww!

  • punkofnice
    GrreatTeacher7 minutes agoSo, when you say tight leopard skin pants, do you mean that in the American way, as in trousers, or in the UK sense of underpants?

    I was doing it the USA way around for the benefit of the majority. TOMO in his undies? Yukky. The man is a vile lard bucket as it is.....and I'm sure he's constantly drunk too.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Actually, he probably does wear leopard skin undies under his oh so conservative suits.

    Yeah, I think he's the type.

  • tiki
    But not fisnets, pleeeeeze!!#
  • punkofnice
    Lioness prays, "thank you Jehovah for sending us this meat preserved in alcohol."

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