Does a brother have to be appointed an MS to be an account servant?
by 4thgen 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hello! As many of you know, my ex-husband was removed as an elder for child abuse. I was told at the time he would never be reappointed in any capacity. Yet I heard today he was appointed as an account servant. Does he have to be an MS or is it based on local needs? There are so many changes lately, it's tough to keep up. BTW I have no illusions that I was lied to....and eventually he will be reappointed. All the Best, 4thgen -
That's never heard of where I am. Usually the accounts servant is an elder or MS. It's possible for normal brothers here to serve as an assistant to the elder or MS in charge, but not to take on the main role. But things may be different where you are. Perhaps there really are no brothers available, so they have resorted to this desperate measure?? -
@ - 4thGen - Wow, child abuse, i dont know about any specifics, concerning you ex husband, but i hope it didnt involve your own children, that would be terrible. I dont know what your ex husband did, but if it was serious, i sure hope he doesnt get ANY "privileges", ever again. -
Thanks Divergent...I'm in the US and it used to be that if there was a need they could use a brother without his being appointed. Now, I'm not so sure....
Dunedian - Yes it was with my son. It was physical and emotional- not sexual. He beat him up so bad while he was an elder, he was arrested, removed and publically reproved. I will have to share the details of my story some day. It was an ugly mess that lasted over 5 years in the courts and many, many committee meetings. I was promised at the time 'no privileges- ever again', but I have learned the hard way never to trust the organization. It's only a matter of time.
Yes, that can happen. I know of a couple of congregations that used brothers with no privileges to be the accounts servant. Usually, it's because they don't have enough appointed brothers to serve, so they use whoever they can. -
James Jack
Although our congregation has 6 MS and 7 Elders, none of them wanted to do the Accounts.
So they asked me to do it, a non servant. I am going on 3 years now of doing the Accounts, still not a Servant!
There's also a capability gap in the congregations.
There may be a dozen or so appointed men, but if none of them can count past 10 (or past 12 if the hall is in a remote location) without taking their socks off, you're going to need someone else to do accounts.
Although our congregation has 6 MS and 7 Elders, none of them wanted to do the Accounts.
So they asked me to do it, a non servant. I am going on 3 years now of doing the Accounts, still not a Servant!
It's hard to imagine a CO letting them get away with that. What do they tell him when they visit? -
Most of the direction from the branch is regarding child sexual abuse. The elder's manual states:
ks10 pg 38
20. If the sin occurred before he was appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need to take into consideration the fact that he should have mentioned this possible impediment to his being qualified when elders interviewed him just prior to announcing his appointment. Moreover, the nature of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifications to serve. For example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for many years.—w97 1/1 pp. 26-29; w77 pp. 697-698.
And the most recent letter regarding child abuse states:
15. Who is considered a known child molester? The January 1, 1997, Watchtower article “Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked” mentions on page 29 that a man “known to have been a child molester” does not qualify for privileges in the congregation. The expression “known to have been a child molester” has reference to how such a man is considered in the community and in the Christian congregation. In the eyes of the congregation, an adult “known” to be a former child molester is not “free from accusation” or “irreprehensible,” nor does he have “a fine testimony from people on the outside.” (1 Tim. 3:1-7, 10; 5:22; Titus 1:7) In view of his past, those in the community would not respect him and congregation members might be stumbled over his appointment. Keep in mind that the branch office, not the local body of elders, determines whether one who has sexually abused a child is considered a known child molester.
22. It cannot be said in every case that one who has sexually abused a child could never qualify for privileges of service in the congregation. However, the elders will certainly want to be very cautious, especially when dealing with one who had repeatedly engaged in this kind of wrongdoing or who had been disfellowshipped for such an offense. Before privileges can be extended, such a man must meet the Scriptural qualifications of being “self-controlled” and “irreprehensible.” He must “also have a fine testimony” from individuals inside and outside the congregation. (Titus 1:6-8; 1 Tim. 3:2, 7) Elders should keep in mind what is stated in the Re: Child abuse October 1, 2012 Page 6 January 1, 1997, Watchtower article “Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked,” page 29, paragraph 2: “Child sexual abuse reveals an unnatural fleshly weakness. Experience has shown that such an adult may well molest other children. True, not every child molester repeats the sin, but many do. And the congregation cannot read hearts to tell who is and who is not liable to molest children again. (Jeremiah 17:9) Hence, Paul’s counsel to Timothy applies with special force in the case of baptized adults who have molested children: ‘Never lay your hands hastily upon any man; neither be a sharer in the sins of others.’ (1 Timothy 5:22).”
23. Hence, privileges of service should never be extended hastily. Considerable time should always pass before one who has sexually abused a child is recommended, if ever. It would be up to the local body of elders to determine whether such a recommendation should be made to the branch office, taking into account all factors in each individual case. Please note that unless specifically approved by the branch office, one who has sexually abused a child should not be used to conduct any meetings held in the congregation or in a prison, and he does not qualify to work on any Kingdom Hall project other than one involving the congregation where he serves as a publisher.