IICSA and NO apologies regarding child abuse

by Fadeaway1962 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Fadeaway1962


    No collective regret or any acknowledgement that child sexual abuse had happened among JWs.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i suppose they--the cult--are acting on legal advice: after all--if they did go down that route it would quite possibly open up a lot more lawsuits.

  • dozy

    Some of the other religions did apologise - it isn't really a concern over a legal liability , it is more of a general attitude that they regard themselves as Jehovah's organisation so they regard themselves as ( effectively ) royalty so like the Queen they "never apologise , never explain".

    My father used to be good friends with one of the London Bethel branch committee and he told me that the branch member said that the very guarded admission of a degree of culpability over 1975 issued in 1980 was about as close as you would ever get to an apology from the Society.

  • Biahi

    They are too arrogant to ever apologize. I hope they go down, quickly.

  • carla

    Excellent article that will really educate the non jw world about how things really are dubland.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    No collective regret or any acknowledgement that child sexual abuse had happened among JWs.

    Of course not that would be too empathic and humble, the reason why the JWS dont openly regret their intentional cover up of child sexaul abuse that occurred within their organization is because that would bring reproach onto Jehovah's name and his earthly chosen organization/arrangement.

    This has been the heart of the problem with JWS and their activity with this serious social problem.

    The organization's public image was more important and valued than the protection of children.

  • Diogenesister
    the reason why the JWS dont openly regret their intentional cover up of child sexaul abuse that occurred within their organization is because that would bring reproach onto Jehovah's name and his earthly chosen organization/arrangement.

    Well yes, but ultimately the reason they don’t apologize is entirely to do with not wanting Witnesses to see the Borg as wrong in any way, and not public image or legal culpability.

    Admitting they are responsible and apologizing would demonstrate to witnesses God has no connection to Watchtower and is not guiding their decisions.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    The situation with the JWS religion and others is the very reason why there should be a universal law that states that all known incidences of child sexaul abuse by these institutions should be brought forward to the proper law authorities for investigation.

    A severe penalty should also be imposed to these organizations if they were found to deliberately cover up the incident.

    The WTS/JWS say well we looked after these situations through the bible's directions , that makes them appropriately righteous and guilt free to themselves.

    Many of these perpetrators got off scot free because of the misappropriate handling by the WTS/JWS leaders.

    Many of these unfortunate incidents were influenced by the preconceived awareness of how the JWS would handle the situation and that creates a crime of exploitation.

  • Vidiot

    What Diogenesister said.

    At this point, the Org leadership doesn’t give a hairy blue fuck what “The World” thinks of them.

    Every decision now...

    ...every decision...

    ...is made with the overarching goal of reinforcing the fiction that the WTS is “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”.

    ‘Cause without that, the Org is nothing.

    There’s zero incentive to be a member, and by their own rhetoric, they wouldn’t even have a legitimate right to exist.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Today Paul Gillies once again didn't show any hint that Watchtower will ever apologize (as we already expected).

    Also Gillies got destroyed.


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