I think Crazyguy might be on to something, at least about trying to keep track of potential faders.
New data movement this is what I see as their goals .
by Crazyguy 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have written about this on other threads concerning Watchtower collapse. Make no mistake about it. Watchtower is creating their own database on EVERY publisher and will begin to use big data and predictive analytics to determine when and how to reorganize congregations, sell kingdom halls and squeeze congregations for more contributions. Big Brother in Warwick is becoming the Big Brother that George Orwell warned about.
Crazyguy: If a publisher moves to another congregation so as to fade, the data can be moved to the jurisdiction of the new elder body of the territory.
_Morpheus: Now that i actually can agree with.
Finally! Thank you Morpheus.
So for those who have the means to move, no celebrating holidays for you!!! You gotta keep faking it for the no fun police of WT.
Possible Tin Foil Hat warning for next paragraph:
Secondly, I think there are people on that data base that were never CO, elder, MS, Pioneer, etc. Even when they were watchtower.borg pre jw.borg in around 2013 I believe anyone could set up a log in with them. Even sisters could set up a personal log in! Wow! What a privilege we have, and how we are honored! Since then they have recently been pushing people to set up a log in, and to have a recurring withdrawal to wt set up. Aren't these people part of 750,000 already in 'the Hub'? Maybe I'm wrong. IDK. Seems like they would not let those slip by.
(to add to my previous post)
...in part, because I've long suspected that the Org would like to take more aggressive action against faders.
Prepared to be shocked again!!
I dont think its tin foil hat territory to suggest that they would encourage pubs to set up recurring withdrawals from their bank accounts. In fact i have long said that the wt will never collapse finically without resorting to a defacto tithe (although it would be called by a different name). Ive also noted that the kh mortgage scam is a defacto congregation level tithe. All these are at least somewhat logical and have a basis in reality.
killing those who claim to be annointed is stupid and far beyond tin foil hat territory. Thats the sort of drivel must be smacked down and rejected.
And again, tracking faders is, in the end, pointless until inactivity becomes a df’ing offense. For now it is not and therefore fading is still 100% possible. Knowing you have faded is irrelevant.
Yeah. I was just covering my bases there. And it is fun to say "Tin Foil Hat Warning!!!"
Yes, saying they might go kill those that chose to partake is ridiculous.
What records if any would they have on me? Baptized in 1975, and faded in 1979. Have not been back since, though my parents have remained in and I went once a year to the memorial to please my now deceased mother.
Probably none - but i thought I would ask you kind folks for your opinions.
virtually zero shot they have anything 40+ years later. Ive never seen a 40 year old pub record card. Your clear as clear can be.
Morph And again, tracking faders is, in the end, pointless until inactivity becomes a df’ing offense. For now it is not and therefore fading is still 100% possible. Knowing you have faded is irrelevant.
Unless, of course, they want to start sending " power elders" ( LoL) to bring the little lambs back to the fold!!
Morph - "...tracking faders is, in the end, pointless until inactivity becomes a df’ing offense. For now it is not and therefore fading is still 100% possible."
I was suggesting that they might want to find out if faders were committing any DFing offences on the down-low so that they could DF them, in order to prevent any still-ins from talking to them.