I really liked it. I loved Spiderman and I thought the Hulk was so much better.
Did you like the Hulk?
by sandy 9 Replies latest jw friends
It's against my conscience to go see the Hulk. I think that the show is demonized and draws attention away from the organization and jesus Christ.
I think that you are now bad assosiation for even putting this thread up, and I hate you. I'll never talk to you again!
Love, Shamus.
lol @ shamus
I have not yet seen
ShrekThe Hulk, but I like reading other opinions before I go. So far the reviews I've seen are mostly positive. -
Thunder Rider
I was really dissapointed. I had hoped that it would be as good as Spiderman and X-men.
The storyline deviated from the original comic and the deviation did not enrich the story at all. The CGI was incredible though. Unfortunately it was only a small part of the movie.A person could see the best of the movie just cruising the different internet preview sights and watching the TV commercials.
He looked so huggable though
I plan on seeing it this week. I like action/adventure and am looking forward to Terminator 3. I usually like Arnie's movies for sure. Terminator 1 was great!!
PS.. The best part of the Hulk thing is when he gets that look in his eyes. Probably needs anger management classes.
careful fader
I went to see it with my nephews and my sister. My nephews absolutely loved it - however, my sister and I were dying through the whole movie. The hulk did not appear until over an hour into the movie. The character development was terrible - and the acting was even worse. We were laughing at what was supposed to be suspenseful or touching moments. To top it all off, the movie was over 2 hours long. I would have left if I wasn't with my nephews.
Curious Mind
really enjoyed it, a lot more than matrix reloaded
I liked it. Of the comic book/super hero movies, to me it is the best. It was a little slow in the beginning, but I'd read that it would be. It took a little too long to develope the characters but it was necessary for the plot. The movie wasn't so much about what Banner turned into but why he did -- the dysfuctional life he lived as a child. In that, the movie pulled it off.
HATED IT!!! So glad we only shelled out the $ for a matinee.
It was too long (138 of the looooooonnnnnnnnnngest minutes of my life)
Unlike Spiderman, they did not manage to develop the characters to the point that you are left feeling any kind of emotional attachment to them whatsoever. IMO, the best part of the movie was the 15 second token appearance of Lou Ferrigno. At least with the original TV series, there was always a reason for Bruce Banner's rages. They were motivated (to the best of my recollection) by the battle of good vs. evil, with the Hulk coming out in defense of the good. The movie brings on the rages for totally selfish reasons, relating to his personal life and repressed memories. The "bad guy" has no real purpose. Even his alleged attachment to the girl is very weakly developed. Unfortunately, the ending leaves the option for a sequel. I think that this movie is an unfortunate waste of what could have potentially been a very well done and memorable movie, had they taken the time to actually develop a storyline that could grab the emotion and attention of the audience.
I will also add that I DO NOT beleive that it is a movie suitable for children.