Ten Good Reasons to Attend the Sydney BBQ

by ozziepost 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    G'day ozzie,

    I've always been a coffee conosewer (I'll learn to spill it proper one day) I might look like your average alco but that's from being raised on that south australian iced coffee i tell ya! (that or the water)

    Try not to be too hard on Chris, some of my best friends are whinging pomms :) besides, truth be known they've been murdering sheep and burning them for hundreds of years, not nearly as long as we've been roasting goannas of course and come to think of it, with the state of British meat it'd need to be a vegitarian bbq or, like at the memorial, it might be best to pass the plate JW style (partake only if you plan on going to heaven)

    Pommie BBQ? Count me in - it'd go just to spike logicals lemonade with rasberry cordial (probably send him right off)

    cheers to mrs ozzie.

    PS: #7? Please don't confuse me with backwards counting and high math - I'm having enough trouble going forward today :)

  • OlderTom

    I'll be there

  • ozziepost

    Reason #6

    It's closer than the Brisbane BBQ !


    If you would like details of Sydney BBQ,
    e-mail to: [email protected]

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Reason #5:

    We'd all get to meet all you nice Aussie's in person , and see your beautiful country in person instead of just having to look at it on TV.

    (is that 2 reasons?)

    "goannas"???? What do you bbq over there?

    Had Enough

  • ozziepost

    Adjudicator's Report on Had Enough's claim to "double points" for her entry

    Verdict: Application declined. Although a good entry, the adjudicator considered that flattery (even if warranted) was insufficient grounds to substantiate the claim. Therfore it is declined.

    Recommendation: Applicant should re-apply.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Attention Adjudicator: Apologize for rejected entry for Reason #5

    Attempting re-entry for Reason #5:

    Because there won't be anyone walking around with "quiet please" and "please return to your seats" signs to totally annoy us.

    PS...I still think at least the "beautiful country" reason was a good one considering many of us have never seen your ocean and beaches except on TV....remember you said to Unc...."ah Sydney, beautiful beaches, beautiful....." especially those of us from Canada where we have to shovel alot of our precipitation.

    (Be kind....all that most of us have ever seen of Australia is in "Crocodile Dundee")

    Another PS....who are the 3 Toms.....Older Tom and is it Younger Tom and who else???

    Cheers to you too...

    Had Enough (of the re-applying class)

  • ozziepost

    Had Enough,

    Thank you for your re-submission. I am pleased to inform you (how about that for Watchtower-ese?) that your submission for Reason #5 is accepted. The adjudicators point out that this should be Reason #4.
    The list is:

    Reason #4: Because there won't be anyone walking around with "quiet please" and "please return to your seats" signs to totally annoy us.[Had Enough]

    Reason #5: We'd all get to meet all you nice Aussie's in person, and see your beautiful country in person instead of just having to look at it on TV. [Had Enough]

    Reason #6 It's closer than the Brisbane BBQ ! [ozziepost]

    Reason #7: Cappucino! [uncle bruce]

    Reason #8: Fred Hall will be there unmasked! LOL [Stephanus]

    Reason #9: It's a good excuse for missing a Sunday meeting [Prisca]

    Reason #10: You might meet the three Toms ! [ozziepost]


    We are now looking for Reason #3. What will the MAIN REASON be? Look out for Reason #1 !

    In answer to your question about Reason #10, please see post from Older Tom dated May 12. I've brought it up the board for you. The answer is: Older Tom, Younger Tom, and Tomcat !



  • Latte


    Now your talking! Where can we have it? Could we make it at the same time as the Aussie one, so that we could feel the unity? LOL

    Drop me an e-mail, and we can discuss further. The menu is pretty important No? Perhaps we could buy some Aussie beef in, you can buy Argentinian beef so why not Aussie beef. LOL

    Let me know where abouts you are in the UK.


  • BugEye

    #3 'cause I can count time on all you apostates


  • BugEye

    #2 Stress and dogmatism free time for the brain

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