Just read this on JW Talk......

by WHATSGOINGON 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Just saw this on the public area of JWTalk (I am not a member)

    Here is the link.


    Such a shame - I do feel for these ones - I just don't know what to say...


  • cognac
    Where is the vomit smiley face???



  • truthseeker100

    After reading that I feel so sorry for those poor deluded people. Sounds just like the meetings 30 years ago. My only compassionate response to them and especially the older ones would be that I hope death overtakes them before their delusions evaporate. SO so sad.

    TruthSeeker100 Wept.

  • Listener

    Where is the unity among these followers? The message has been blurred. Some understand that no one knows the day or hour and others think the higher ups have special knowledge. That is how the organization wants it, it makes the sheep hungry for anything they can provide to them.

  • Dunedain
    WOW, cult, indoctrinated, mind control, at its best/worst. This woman, actually thinks, because the person is basically IGNORING her, he must "know" something. Yeah right, he wasnt stareing off into space while you were talking to him, because he knew when God Damn Armageddon was, he was F@#KING IGNORING YOU! Probably thinking, "Shit, i got another sob story here, but wow look how short that sisters hair is".
  • Magnum

    In one post, someone wrote: "All I know is, with the ramping up of the witnessing work, it feels like we are going around Jericho 7 times on the last day."

    Like, did I miss something? Is she referring to the JW preaching work? If so, she must see something I don't see. The preaching work, to me, is getting softer, weaker. and wimpier.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Image result for facepalm

    Sooooo f^cking delusional.


  • millie210

    I know I keep saying this but LAST January - not even a year ago- they had the special meeting for elders to tell them about the ramped up building work. The letter that was read said this was going to be the greatest building work the world had ever seen!

    So now that is all on hold and they are focusing on the preaching work and everyone is saying how great that is...does that mean they thought the building plans were NOT great last January?

    Is it all just "great" come what may?

    Just so ridiculous.

  • RichardHaley
    They are ramping it up... 1600+ bethel/branch workers sent into the field! lol

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