"All people in the world are currently considered enemies of God"
Which God? Thor? Wotan? Ba'el? Quetzalcoatl? Allah? Jesus? Or maybe the one in the old testament who says it's ok to stone people to death, ok to own slaves, ok to kill children when you invade a town that you want to steal from them. He sounds like quite a devil this "god" of yours.
"Jehovah's chariot is moving forward at blazing speed!"
Really? Any evidence to support this? You're hemorrhaging members, memorial partakers are going up and you're selling property to pay off child abuse victims.
"It used to be that if a congregation reached 150 publishers we would split into 2 congregations now if we have 2 congs. At 75 pubs.we now merge them into one!! Again in what reality is that a good thing?"
How can that possibly be a good thing? If this happened to a local church you'd laugh at them for losing members and take it as proof that God is not there.
"Don't believe negative media reports!"
What, all of them? There's no terrorism? There's no famine? There's no war? Ok. Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine...