So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

by reporter 145 Replies latest social current

  • Bendrr

    Zionist this and Israeli that.......Jumpin Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick! (pardon me) Just what the hell is the damn problem around here when it comes to Jews? Someone's always got some kind of shit to talk about the Jews. Well damn, if you hate 'em that much go find a fucking Nazi group to join instead of pouring out your hate for the rest of us. In case you didn't notice, this board is for JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND FORMER JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

    Just ask JJrizo.

    Mike, who frankly is tired of war in general and particularly tired of being told that the Jews or any other ethnic group is behind some big conspiracy.

  • Hamas

    If you don't like it, go find another forum.

    How many threads are started that haven't got anything to do with the Witnesses? Plenty. People talk about anything.

    I have nothing against Jews. Notice, I am talking of Zionist Jews, a certain elect of people that even most other Jews want to see the back of ! Some of Zionism's main critics are Jewish.

    Thats the trouble with some people. They say it is unfair to mention anything bad about the Jews and label others Anti Semetic if they do so. Again, I am not talking about mainstream Jews, but I think it is an injustice to let Zionist to do what they want simply because we were to frightened to criticise them.

  • Bendrr


    Please excuse me! I didn't see the difference. Not that I'd know a "Zionist Jew" from an "Ok Jew", but ok sure fine whatever. While we're at it, why don't you show us how the niggers and the queers and the [insert group here] had a hand in 9/11 too? And don't forget the beaners! You know, they'd do anything to draw attention away from our Mexican border so they can come in and get jobs to support their families take over.


    When you say that the Zionists are just a bad element in the Jews as a whole is like me justifying use of the word "nigger" saying that well the niggers are just a small part of the black race and then turning around bitching about niggers do this and niggers do that. It don't work! Heard it all before. Remember jjrizo? Hell for all I know, you are jjrizo. (anybody else get that feeling?)

    If you don't like it, go find another forum.

    How many threads are started that haven't got anything to do with the Witnesses? Plenty. People talk about anything.

    Yeah, there's plenty of non-JW topics on the board. It's called conversation. This thread for example. It was turning into a very good debate, matter of fact. But how many off-topic threads are about the Jewish conspiracy -- oops pardon me -- the "Zionist" conspiracy? No one wants to hear it! It's nothing but hate and it's bullshit! We've had more than enough hate and bullshit in our lives already.

    I'm not going to go find another forum. I've been here longer than you have and I'll be here when your ass follows rizo out the door, that is if you aren't him to begin with. I suggest you go find another forum if you want to bitch about jews. I've got just the place in mind too, it's a big clusterfuck of hate and bickering. You'll love it. Go. And don't let the door hit you where God / Nature split you!


    p.s. apologies to certain friends of mine for my use of a certain couple of words. I'm sure you understand.

  • reporter

    Bin Laden and al-Queda might have been cheering & sympathetic to the final result, but that in and of itself wouldn't provide evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of guilt necessarily. There are many factions which cheer the demise of America in a sick way. Many are brought up with that thinking. There were the dancing Israelis, too, remember.

    I don't know. I posted seismographic evidence of activity during the fall of each tower, and evidence supporting how much heat energy is required to hanicap structural steel to a point of catastrophic failure. Personally, I think a low-level nuclear explosion may be far fetched, but, there was certainly weeks if not months where the underground areas were incredibly heated.

    Abaddon posts his sources, I'll post mine. Fair enough. It doesn't bother me. I have an open mind. I'll keep reading... I'll re-read everything here, but I'll certainly not go out of my way to bash the research or belittle it. I mean, I could say that believing in the orthodox sequence of events as reported by the media on September 11th events is like believing in a "moronic conspiracy theory". Somedays, I feel like that. But, I'll keep reading. I want the truth. I'm not trying to start a religious following here, you people. I just like questioning everything, even if it's redundant, like questioning laws of the universe. It's just with this issue, there seems to be more questions than plausible answers. And further evidence has been either recycled, withheld, or classified in some form, and that's a shame, too.

  • Abaddon


    Just pray to your god that one day I will decide to stop posting here and take my ignoramous ass somewhere else.

    1/ I have no god.

    2/ I have no desire for you to stop posting here.

    3/ If you did I think I could just about manage to cope.


    The attacks were instigated by those that wanted to turn America into a nation of Arab haters and Israel lovers eager to go to war against Israel's enemies. Ask yourself, who benefited the most from these terrible attacks? If Bin Laden was such a mastermind, why would he intentionally jepadise the Arab race by raging war with a world superpower such as the United States ? Has Bin Laden benefited from these attacks? Have the Arab people? Hardly ! The War on Terrorism has so far been extended to two Islamic nations; Afghanistan and Iraq, and thoughts are that Iran, Syria and Libya may well be next; all Muslim dominated nations.

    Oh, I find the idea that Osama either figured the attack would trigger a worldwide reaction by Muslims, or (more likely) that he gambled the US's reaction to the attack would trigger a worldwide reaction by Muslims very likely. As with most pieces of shit, he didn't care what the consequwnces were for anyone, it was his master plan that was important; he didn't care one bit for Saddam, so that point is utterly devoid of validity. But all you've done in the above quoted bit is speculate, as I have done in reply. AT this stage you have provided no facts.

    On September 11, 2001, amid the backdrop of the World Trade Center in flames, five Israeli army veterans were arrested by the FBI after witnesses claimed that they had seen them dancing, cheering and high fiving after seeing the events of that day unfold. Why would these men be so happy to see these terrible attacks unfold? After all, they were witnessing the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians, from a country that gives theirs billions of dollars a year in aid. Unfortuantely, this wasn't the first time Israeli's have been happy to see the deaths of innocent American civilians.

    There were five Israelis. As with all young Israeli men, they had served in the Army. I don't suppose that fact came up in your 'research', did it? It's called National Service dear. I'm surprised that you don't also mention the box cutters, the two passports and several thousand dollars in cash. But then, if you mentioned that, you might have to do some reseach and mention they all worked for a removal company (thus box cutters), had no work permits (illegals often don't have bank accounts, thus no surprise over the money), that one of them had dual nationality (thus was entitled to two passports), and that the lady who called in the report had complained about the removal comany before, and thus her description of their activities might have just been a get back at the company. Also, just as Palestinian celebrated the towers going down, to Israelis, regardless of whether Israeli was involved or not, the towers going down meant that the USA were not going to cut the 'Arabs' any breaks for a long time. Oh, and apparently they aren't even Middle Eastern looking, but, hell, why let the facts get in the way of a good story?

    Oh, it's great that the supposed Mossad agents can make stupid mistakes like high-fiving and celebrating in public and getting caught and you BELIEVE IT, but when some evidence points towards supposed Al-Q agents making mistakes in their planning of the event, you DON'T BELIEVE IT. That's just bias Hamas.

    In 1955, Israeli agents were caught secretly impersinating Arab terrorists as they attempted to stage bombings against American installations in Eygpt. Then in 1967 in the Israeli war with the Arabs, Israeli gunboats and jets attacked the unarmed US survelance ship USS Liberty; something that has been covered up to this very day. 35 American sailors were murdered in a brutal attempt at making the Arabs look guilty. Then again in the 1980's the Israeli's attempted to frame the Arabs once again, as revealed by Victor Ostrovsky, former Israeli secret service officer in a revealing book published in the 90's. He told of how Mossad officials framed Libya for the bombing of a German nightclub which killed American servicemen. In 1986, president Ronald Reagan retaliated by bombing Libya, another enemy of Israel, even killing the 4 year old daughter of Qadhafi. It was thanks to evidence from Ostrovsky that it is now known fact that Mossad officials are trained and skilled at impersonating Arabs.

    Please try to seperate the established fact, that the Israelis are a bunch of €unts, from a run-on assertion that 'the Israelis are bunch of €unts who did the WTC'. Just becasue onei s true doesn't mean both are. Also, cite you sources. Without evidence this is just assertion.

    But why would Israel want to frame the Arabs for these crimes? And even if they did, surely the world doesn't revolve around Israel ?

    Israeli Zionists not only influence US policy, they dominate it! The congress is Israeli controlled territory. Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolowitz, is a zionist zealot who lived in Israel as a teenager and still has family living there. Undersecretary of defence policy is Douglass Feith, a zionist award winner whose law frims have offices in Israel. The civilian defence policy board holds more control over the miltary than the defence secretary. More Israeli's make up this board, including Kissinger, Cohen, Schlessinger Adelmen and Abrams and is headed by none other than Richard Perle, another hardcore Israeli Zionist. This pentagon gang of Zionists pull the strings of people such as Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld, and control America from the inside. Is it any wonder why senators approve of this, when wealthy Zionists continue to pump millions of dollars a year into the budget to keep them happy ?!?

    You still have not provided ONE piece of evidence. Without citing your sources you could be making this up as you go along. If the source that you got this from didn't cite their sources, then they could be making this up as they go along. This is how you figure out what is most likely to be true; you check to see if what they have claimed can be verified.

    It is these Zionists that are continuing to push America into war with Israel's enemies. The Taliban, long time funders and admirers of Palestinian terrorism, were destroyed under the cloud of searching for Bin Laden.

    Errrr... the Taliban being destroyed doesn't bother me one bit, as they were misogynistic religious fanatics. As Bin Ladin was in Afghanistan and the Taliban were in control of Afghanistan, there were no clouds. He was probably there and he was the prime suspect; any other country in the world would have given him up.

    Saddam Hussain, another supporter of the Palestinian cause, was removed under the cloud of a 'War on terror'.

    Agreed. There is no proof of such a link.

    Libya, Syria and Iran all are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause; a sympathy that Israel does not like to see.

    What else would serve Israeli interests more than a group of Arabs attacking the worlds biggest superpower, resulting in that superpower fighting back, destroying this Arab influence ? Just as a suprise Japaneese attack on Pearl Harbour was enough to push America into WWII, enough to save Israeli influence from the Nazi party, likewise September 11 was a great way to turn American influence against the Arab race.

    La la la, get on to the facts, this is just assertion...

    Lets get to the subject of the actual attacks.

    How fortunate that the greatest terrorist masterminds of all time managed to forget their Qu'ran, instructions on how to fly an airplane and a fuel consumption calculator in the car that they left at Logan airport ! If this wasn't enough, an Arabic training manual was also left in the car, as if there wasn't enough evidence already to suggest that this was an Arab feat. Within hours of the first plane hitting, Osama Bin Laden was guilty ! His face, and in the following days the faces of the 19 hijackers, 7 of which you may be suprised to learn are in fact still alive and well, were plastered across every zionist controlled media for the rest of the world to see and copy.

    Oh, Osma's guilt is not a foregone conclusion. His links with the previous attack are.,3858,4254782,00.html

    Of course, it's totally unreasonable to think the main suspect should be the person who tried to blow it up a few years previously. NOT.

    Even more suspicious was that they were all traveling with their passports.... funny seeing as though they were on a domestic flight. Why, Mohammed Atta, alledged ringleader of the attacks, had his passport found within the rubble of the world trade center, hardly damaged by the inferno !

    More about Atta; . See, you can easily provide sources for your information. Try it sometime... as for the passport, yeah, that stinks. Doesn't prove a thing either way. It is funny that the people who claim the terrorists were Mossad agents ignore the evidence of the people who lived next to these people in the weeks running up to the event though, and that these 'Mossad agents' needed to go to civilian flying schools ... I think you're confusing the Taliban (no airforce) with Israel (has airforce).

    The night before the attacks, this gang of 'Arabs' were seen dancing with naked women at a strip club, while at the same time chanting 'death to America'.Rather brave, moments before they were due to meet with Allah ! Why, they must have had this thought in their mind as they left yet another Qu'ran in the nightclub ! For big time terrorists, they sure are a forgetful bunch !

    Yawn. Please cite your sources. And of course it is utterly impossible for any fanatical religious person to also be a big fat hypocrite. We all know that religous fanatics down through history have never infringed their religions sexual or dietry laws, not once. Ever.

    The fact is, the evidence that points towards these Arab men is unfounded. America needed a scapegoat for 9/11, and they got one; Osama Bin Laden. Thanks to him running from Arab country to country, setting up his little 'cells', America shall never stop this war on terror. There is so much more I could add, but my eyes have gone funny so I shall leave it there, people.

    Like I say, there's not conclusive evidence that Osama 'did' it, but he's the best suspect by far. Thus your allegation he is innocent is only true in the sense he's inocent until proven guilty. If he were innocent he could always go to Norway, where a fair trial would be guaranteed. There is NO evidence for Mossad involvement, only speculation.

    I think that there is something very smelly in it all, but there is no conclusive evidence that (as with Pearl Harbour) the USA deliberately didn't react to warning so as to justify their actions and generate public support for them. At least not yet. It is possible that it wasn't Bin Ladin, but it streaches the credulity somewhat, unless of course he's STILL a CIA operative...

    Oh, I forgot to mention anything about the tape !

    Glad to see that in a vast area like Afghanistan, the Americans still managed to find that video tape in a little shack near Tora Bora. Translators agree that you cannot seriously translate this tape from the audio you can hear on it. It still never ceases to amaze me how many people that are not trained in Arabic jump to the conclusion that this tape proves Bin Laden's guilt ! Nobody in their right mind would be prepared to sware on their own grave that he actually admitted he was guilty.

    The tape proves nothing. But if you like, go along with public opinion if it helps you sleep at night, and comment on how the broken arabic concludes that Bin Laden is guilty.

    Bin Laden has never admitted anything.

    Mmmm... well, the statements from Arabic agencies credited to Bin Ladin have hardly been a claim of innocence, so what's your point? And why would him not admitting it mean he's innocent? Don't Muslim's lie too?

    Well, I respect your opinion, why not respect mine, buddy ?

    You name yourself after the murderers of civilians. That shows me your opinion in some areas is not worth shit. As regards your fondness for conspiracy theories involving Zionists et. al., well, if you had better evidence I'd respect your opinion. You of course have a RIGHT to an opinion I respect, but I'll only respect THE opinions worthy of respect. Oh, by the way, the people your anti-Zionist blather is lifted from originally would happily pass laws that would make you breathing illegal, just 'cause of the colur of your skin. Good choice of bed-fellows.


    I don't know. I posted seismographic evidence of activity during the fall of each tower, and evidence supporting how much heat energy is required to hanicap structural steel to a point of catastrophic failure. Personally, I think a low-level nuclear explosion may be far fetched, but, there was certainly weeks if not months where the underground areas were incredibly heated.

    Yeah, and the FBI have neutron dampners to stop a store bought Geiger counter giving the gaff away. Don't talk physics unless you can DO physics. And what IF there was seismographic activity when the towers fell? What would you expect if the towers fell soley due to the planes hitting them? No Seismic activity?

    Abaddon posts his sources, I'll post mine. Fair enough. It doesn't bother me. I have an open mind. I'll keep reading... I'll re-read everything here, but I'll certainly not go out of my way to bash the research or belittle it.

    Yeah yeah, I show conclusively that the main points of the argument supporting the impossibility of the impacts making the towers fall are false, and you ignore them. Look, why not admit you WANT to believe it, just like MILLIONS of people believe in stuff there is no evidence for 'cause they want to? And if the research was worth a half-drunk A-level students bowel movement it would not be belittleable. The only reason it gets bashed is it is BAD research.

    I mean, I could say that believing in the orthodox sequence of events as reported by the media on September 11th events is like believing in a "moronic conspiracy theory". Somedays, I feel like that. But, I'll keep reading. I want the truth. I'm not trying to start a religious following here, you people. I just like questioning everything, even if it's redundant, like questioning laws of the universe. It's just with this issue, there seems to be more questions than plausible answers. And further evidence has been either recycled, withheld, or classified in some form, and that's a shame, too.

    Stop whining and rebut my evidence, if you can.

    If you can provide evidence that cannot be torn apart in half an hour, well, then it won't get torn apart in half an hour. Don't try and pass of credulity as an open mind; your mind can get so open the top of your head falls off. Oh, and I really, really advise against testing gravity. Take my word for it, it exists.

  • avengers

    So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

    They missed their target. Wasn't the target across the bridge? Wasn't it called, uhh??? What's the name of that publishing company?
    Who knows when they will strike again?

    my 2 .oo1 $

    (I wanted to illustrate this but some people take offense to it. so here's the link.)

  • drwtsn32
    I have no particular respect for opinions. I think the more people can do to rid themselves of their opinions, the better off we are individually and collectively.

    But isn't the above an opinion? But you don't like opinions? <robot voice>DOES NOT COMPUTE!</robot voice>

    I do agree that people should get rid of opinions that are completely inflexible. Those people are truly closed minded. But I think it is important to have opinions!

  • Hamas


    Well, you have your opinions, I have mine.

    At least I have the common decency to respect your opinion.

  • Jayson
    Well, you have your opinions, I have mine.

    At least I have the common decency to respect your opinion.

    See now that's exactly what I need to work on.

    Hamas question,

    Are some opinions not respectable? And if so are we still required to respect them? I'm trying to make a difference between the opinion and the person. Simon made some good comments on this awhile back.

    Abaddon, let's face it, if I commented about the blue sky you would go off one me on how that is a straw man argument, you's rip me a new one on how the sky is not always blue. You would demand sources ignoring something like which would have already been put up by me. You do make the difference between opinion and person Abaddon, and then insult both. Like I said to Hamas, I don't want to do that anymore.

  • Abaddon

    Jayson: good, I will try to respond to you in kind then!

    Hamas: Again; I respect your right to an opinion. I have no demand under any reasonable rules of common deseny to respect an opionion that is unprovable speculation with an ideological slant. Face it: do you respect racists opinions on the grounds of common decency?

    Don't think so.

    They have reasons for their stupid beliefs that they feel are reasonable. I think their opinions are stupid BUT I respect the right to their opinion.

    As it is you've done nothing to show that Osama is innocent, and I think the balance of probability is that he is involved... and in any case, has more than enough on his list of known nastiness and an ongoing desire to commit terroristic attacks to make his apprehension a very good idea.

    You are doing exactly what nazi apologists do. They say;

    "Oh no, HItler wasn't that bad, there was no Final Solution, yes Jews died, but it wasn't six million, and the Germans had reason to suspect the Jews because of the nasty nasty Zionists who want to run the world."

    You say;

    "Oh no, it wasn't Osama - he wasn't that bad, he supported the Palestinian peoples' bid for freedom, he didn't plan such a thing, people have died as a result of his activity (I don't think you can seriously dispute that), but not those people, they died because of those nasty nasty Zionists."

    Please correct me if I am assigning you any beliefs you don't have; if I am making a straw man argument against please correct me so I do know what you actually think.

    I do notice that rather than defend the statements you have made, you object to me not patting you on the head and saying 'OOOoooo, that's interesting, I think you have a point there'. I don't want to lie to you or be condecending. I don't think you really want that either.

    So, looks like you'll have to learn to live with me thinking that way, unless you can show me wrong.

    All the best - and I do mean that, I don't think you're a bad bloke, I just think you need to check your head sometime.

    You shouldn't believe something 'cause it appeals to you. You should believe something because it would be unreasonable not to.

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