Like Magnum I want to go in the wilderness. Mountains or forest. And let my body be eaten by the birds and beasts.
Funeral plan ?
by Chook 15 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm with Magnum, too. A 'good' death that involves being out in Nature. When the time comes, my plan is to hurl myself over Niagara Falls late at night so that no one knows it happened and no one will waste time and money looking for me.
No funeral for me. If people can't know me while I am alive, I certainly don't want anyone to pretend to know me when I'm dead.
just fine
Definitely a celebration of life. Where everyone is welcome and allowed to grieve in their own way. Telling funny stories, crazy times, sweet moments. My husband and so have also told each other that whatever decisions are made, know it's ok. If something should happen all we want is for the other to find happiness again, however that happens.
Always reminds me of the old joke:
I want to slip away like my grandfather did: peacefully and quietly, in his sleep.
Not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus.
Well they robbed me of (the false hope of) everlasting lifeā¢ I don't feel the need to hasten the process, so as to the funeral question, being now alone in the world, there's a funeral home here on a river that flows to the ocean, a good place for my ashes, or in a receptacle within, doesn't really matter much because, you see, I'll be dead :)
I just hope I have some useful organs left that get donated to somebody who can benefit from them, as for anything else I dont give a shit ,because I`ll be dead.
At least I`m happy in the thought that if my life has never meant anything to anybody ,then hopefuly my death will mean something to somebody.