You would think exjws would be on the lookout for anything said by people...the news media, politicians, actors that might sound suspicious or questionable. It seems like some people just will never learn how to be discerning.
Believing Everything That You Hear
by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends
Fraudsters target those who have previously fallen for scams - they know they make flawed decisions and are likely to be easy to fool again.
Likewise, many who leave on religion join another one or still just can't figure out when they are being lied to and controlled. They believe things because they want to believe them.
Thought experiment: try saying out loud "[whoever] is a lying sack of shit and a fucking idiot". Insert the name of who you think is your illustrious leader who can do no wrong ... Obama, Trudeau, Trump, whoever.
If you can't do that, you may just be worshipping a new god and just god fooled again.
I think it's a problem with motivated reasoning.
When people hear things that reinforce their beliefs they ask 'Can I believe this?' When it contradicts their worldview they ask 'Must I believe this?'
If people invested the time to really understand why they do or do not support issues they would have less need to grasp fanciful excuses.
It's also worth looking for "colored" language that betrays a bias.
Is something described as a "claim" or "alleged" when it is just a claim or an allegation? If not, you may be being taken for a patsy.
Can you find a clip of someone saying the thing that someone on TV is saying they said, in context? If not, you are being fooled.
There's a difference between facts being reported and an activist being given airtime. The latter will try to pretend they are giving you facts and information but they are not. They are selling a lifestyle, an outlook. Like someone selling you a fake investment.
They rely on the fact that you want to be fooled. You already believe something and want to hear things that reenforce those beliefs.
But beware, having your ears tickled doesn't make you happy in the long term and these people are not your friends and not going to do what is best for you. When it's time to sacrifice you for other people who's ears are not more valuable, you'll be on the bonfire.
I think a lot of people simply rationalize what ever makes them feel comfortable. People are often lazy and will not do research to see if something is true or not. What amazes me is that most people seem to not care about FACTS. When I left the religion it was never really about personality or association. It boiled down to facts. It is really the Truth?? Once I knew it wasn’t true , I mentally was out!
Fraudsters target those who have previously fallen for scams
Now there is a true statement! Just look at how many people keep jumping into the fire by switching religions.
The Watchtower brags about some of their members switching from the Catholic church to becoming a JW.
In other words, they were scammed by the Catholic church only now to be scammed by the Watchtower.
Some people never learn.
On for pete's sake we were all in a bloody stupid cult for decades, we cannot criticise anyone who falls for a stupid idea!
Atlantis . Thanks for being here!!! You are one of the best contributors to this place. I just wanted to get that in!
X, we should learn from our mistakes and wise up!
X, we should learn from our mistakes and wise up! - Minimus
Your op is saying some exJWs will never learn. Pure hubris, you're saying you have learned but other exJWs will never learn.