Right on Ozzie. Organizations don't save.
How many JWs have told me, despite IlTim 3:15-16 that you can't be saved through reading and studying the Bible alone. Somehow you need changing Watchtower literature to supplement the Bible to be saved. And apparently you can't become a real Christian by hearing someone preach the same gospel that the Apostles preached.....at least not after Rutherford came on the scene anyway.
Well that must be WTS teaching, because Jehovah's Witnesses say they are the only real Christians. True, with just the Bible alone, we could never know about 1914, 1918 and 1919 when the directors in Brooklyn were allegedly chosen as God's sole channel of truth.
But 1914 made as much of an impact on religion as 1874 did. How do we know that....because Jesus 1914 parousia only was discovered in 1931. 1914 meant nothing before that except an embarrassing false expectation of Armageddon.