Is The Religion Of Jehovah's Witnesses Biblical?

by Vanderhoven7 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_b_known

    Here is an interesting article on 10 extra-Biblical doctrines of Christianity.

    The more I look into Christianity the more I am convinced that Jesus would have nothing to do with it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    …since things like slavery and genocide are arguably “Biblical”…

    …does it really matter?''

    To JWdom, this proves the Bible is 'true'. Slam dunk

  • Vanderhoven7

    JWs want to know why I criticize their religion which is all Bible-based. My response is:

    Of course Watchtower religion is Bible-based. But here is an important distinction that Jehovah's Witnesses don't always realize. Bible based does not mean biblical.

    Let me illustrate with the following scripture.

    Again the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field; which when a man has found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Mt.13:44

    Imagine you are approached one day by two young elders who see this passage as support for the Mormon religion. They explain that Joseph Smith discovered a treasure in gold plates while walking in a field in Up State NY in the year 1827. He immediately buried/hid these plates, but later after fully dedicating himself to God's kingdom, he returned to unearth them. They add that these plates were then translated into what we know today as The Book of Mormon. Then you are asked to compare Mt. 13:44 with Eze. 37:16 regarding the stick/book of Joseph.

    Now this interpretation is Bible-based, its based on Matthew 13:44 and Ezekiel 37:16, but I think you will agree that it is not biblical. It actually is Bible-based speculation or even Bible-based mythology.

    That my friend is exactly what Watchtower religion amounts to. Every doctrine which is unique to Jehovah's Witnesses is simply Bible-based mythology.

  • peacefulpete
    Only Jehovah's people believe

    A creepy Freudian slip?

  • Phizzy

    " Bible based does not mean biblical." That is the point ! Not that I see it as vital that Theology or Christology should not have evolved since the bible was written. Those two things evolved over the time the N.T was written !

    But, the "Bible based" thing is typical j.w Org. double speak, to the public and the average J.W, those words mean the beliefs can be shown unequivocally to be in Scripture, and as Van-the-man has shown , they re NOT !

    The Quran and Book of Mormon are just as "Bible based" as the J.W's beliefs are, which means they are not Biblical !

  • carla

    Has anyone ever become a jw by reading just the Bible? (and I don't mean their 'version' of the Bible)

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "Has anyone ever become a jw by reading just the Bible? (and I don't mean their 'version' of the Bible)""


  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Has anyone ever become a Christian of a specific church (such as Roman Catholic or Lutheran, for example), denomination, sect, or 'cult' of Christianity just by reading the Bible (and I don't mean an edition of the Bible bundled with notes, helps, or an appendix of a specific denomination or specific church)?

  • ozziepost
    Has anyone ever become a Christian of a specific church

    Well, here’s the thing, becoming a christian doesn’t mean belonging to any particular church organisation.

    Of course, the dubs would hold to a different view but that’s all to do with their view that God has always had an organisation. The reality is that a christian doesn’t view any particular denomination as being “the Truth”.


    Ozzie 🍷

  • Vanderhoven7

    Right on Ozzie. Organizations don't save.

    How many JWs have told me, despite IlTim 3:15-16 that you can't be saved through reading and studying the Bible alone. Somehow you need changing Watchtower literature to supplement the Bible to be saved. And apparently you can't become a real Christian by hearing someone preach the same gospel that the Apostles least not after Rutherford came on the scene anyway.

    Well that must be WTS teaching, because Jehovah's Witnesses say they are the only real Christians. True, with just the Bible alone, we could never know about 1914, 1918 and 1919 when the directors in Brooklyn were allegedly chosen as God's sole channel of truth.

    But 1914 made as much of an impact on religion as 1874 did. How do we know that....because Jesus 1914 parousia only was discovered in 1931. 1914 meant nothing before that except an embarrassing false expectation of Armageddon.

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