The democrats are in complete disarray, they are still obsessing about identity politics and trivia and Clinton's email server debacle is still a millstone around their neck - they need to have a very obvious and public bonfire of everything "Clinton" in the party, Wasserman Schultz and so on, really clean house.
Then start talking honestly about things - race, religion, you name it.
Until they do that, whatever Trump does wrong, he looks like the only guy telling it like it is and that is a very very sad state of affairs.
The latest nonsense about how involved the Russians were in the election is of little interest to normal voters. They made up their own mind and it looks like the machinery of government is simply being used when it's clear that Clinton was in the wrong esp. when they didn't even inspect the server first-hand (I said at the time that she needed to hand over the entire server and forfeit the right to privacy of her own emails).
I despair of the stupidity of the regressive left. True libertarians have been seriously let down because of them.