The New Kids Book Release; Letter Ideas.

by shamus 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shamus

    I think that it would be a good idea to give a copy of that picture of armageddon to any letters that you send to any politicians, legal court cases, whatever the case may be.

    The picture is absolutley disgusting, and shows blatant mind control. A copy of that in with a letter to any politician would wake them the hell up as to what kind of cult this is!

    Maybe a follow-up letter with the picture enclosed? The picture is outrageous and is sure to scare the hell out of anyone, especially higher-up powers, who this cult really is!

    The Watchtower really shot themselves in the foot with this picture, and I hope that anyone whom has a copy should hold onto it like grim death! They will probably reprint without that picture!

    That picture should be on DATELINE!

  • shamus

    Here is the picture from the other thread, in case you missed it!

  • unique1

    Wow, that is in the KIDS book? WTH? That would scare a child to death.

    Reminds me a little too much of 9/11. I am depressed now.

  • Spudinator

    While you are at it, maybe you could suggest outlawing the Bible as a form of mind control. Where else did the concept of Armageddon come from? Maybe Dateline will have a segment on the Bible planned soon.

  • rocketman

    Well, the picture kind of was on Dateline. When they aired the child abuse episode, they showed a very similar depiction from jw literature, with some very pointed comments about the jw belief that anyone who wasn't a jw would have such a fate.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I saw this on another post here!

    They must be going nuts..Or trying to scare people into joining them!

    Golden Girl...aka..Snoozy...

  • Gopher
    They must be going nuts..

    Going? They've been that way! A long time.

    Or trying to scare people into joining them!

    The target of this book is the children of adult JW's. As if the peer pressure to get baptized isn't enough... there is this continual "scare pressure" from God's non-organization in Brooklyn.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The attitude seems to be that if we can't keep in "the truth" with legitimate logical doctrine, then we'll use guilt and scare tactics. See what will happen to your children if you leave!

    evil evil evil

  • freein89

    I want a copy of the book, how to get one? I surely can't walk into the local KH, they all know me there and for three congregations around. I want to send one to Dr. Phil, I have been emailing through his website trying to get him to do a show for ex-witnesses, his show is so popular I think it would be a great forum for demonstrating what ex-JW's have gone through. I would like some feedback on this and I'm wondering if anyone would want to join in on a campaign to help get him to do a show.


  • cruzanheart

    A couple of months ago, Deb, quite a few of us e-mailed Dr. Phil in the hopes he'd do a show on the subject of abuse by JWs, but I haven't heard anything back from my e-mail. Someone said he tries to stay away from religious topics.


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