Pa. authorities charge 5 more in probe of child sex abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses

by AndersonsInfo 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Highlights of article:

    'One elder warned Brooks that if she contacted police, she would bring “reproach” on Jehovah’s name, according to a lawsuit that she filed in June in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, the Witnesses’ leadership.'

    “We bought a shredder,” one York elder told others, according the lawsuit, “and headquarters has told us to shred.”

    Brooks’ lawsuit accuses Witness elders of destroying many of the records of her case — and of ignoring Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law, which requires leaders of churches or religious organizations to report suspected child abuse to authorities.

    Brooks, who is now 35, wants the organization’s leaders to face accountability.

    Fritz said Brooks is trying to spur changes within the organization “to protect all children from sexual abuse that festers in the secrecy that the organization encourages.”

    “A lot of these elders don’t even realize what they’re doing is wrong,” Brooks said. “I would like the people involved to get to the point where they understand, ‘Holy crap, what did we do?’ and come to terms with that.”

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    If they could only get them (GB) on destroying evidence, this alone would be devastating.


  • WingCommander

    Things of note about Sarah Brooks case:

    1. Upon telling her parents, her parents called the Elders. This in itself is weird, as the father should have gone and kicked the guy's ass!!! Then, called the police. Also, the other abuser was her then sister-in-law, married to her brother.

    2. Her Brother didn't find out until YEARS later what his ex-wife had done. She was only DF'd for having an affair.....with the guy who abused Sarah! So her brother knew nothing about the abuse! His testimony can be seen on the Oxygen website.

    3. Upon calling the Elders, two of the Elders was in fact related to Sarah's male abuser!!!! They didn't recluse themselves either. WTF????? This is wrong on so many levels.

    4. Sarah was homeschooled her entire life. So even at 14-15 years old, she more than likely had the mentality of a 8-10 yr old, and didn't understand sexuality or how she was being groomed. She lived a very cloistered life. She went to work for her abuser first, and her sister in law worked with him as well. The both of them basically teamed up to abuse her at different locations that they were remodeling for sale. (home flippers)

    5. The Elders at Yorkana and Red Lion are on a revolving door. They've gone back and forth between Congregations for decades. Many are related as father/son and or related by marriage.

    6. The fact that these dumbasses not only didn't report this atrocious abuse, but also victim-shamed and reproved Sarah, shows how fucked up in the head they are. A current Elder at Yorkana, is actually still Facebook friends with Joshua Caldwell, her male abuser. Gee, do you think they believe this dirtbag out over Sarah? You bet!!!

    7. In fact, JW's actually sat on Caldwell's side at his trial. Sick!!!

    8. Years ago I attended a meeting at Yorkana. (one of my last) This wasn't long after Sarah's abuse. Her father was helping direct parking. I knew nothing of any of this at the time. (I'd been out a long time too) So I had casually asked him how Sarah was, and he actually krinkled his brow and kind of smirked and nodded his head in her direction. Then he went back to directing traffic. I didn't know what the hell was up. I was just being nice. In hindsight, I now know she was "Publicly Reproved" and what I saw was his disgust and embarrassment of her. Her own father!!!! So instead of her Father kicking this scumbag's ass and calling the police, her father called the Elders, and then participated in victim-shaming her further. I knew this man as a child. I respected him. To say I'm STUNNED is an understatement. This is how cults fuck up your mind and decision making abilities. It's no wonder to me that Sarah turned to drugs and self-harm soon after. Because hey! JW's completely shun therapy as well!! (she got therapy on her own later in several forms)

    9. Sarah has 2 older siblings. ALL of them are now OUT of the cult. Completely free and living their lives.

    10. The parents? Sad as fuck!!!! They used to have a nice home. Sold it, downsized. Then downsized again. Then finally, downsized to an apartment above a garage, probably where the father works. Nice rural area though. Across the street in a nice house, is the Elder I mentioned above who is Facebook friends with Joshua Caldwell. The irony!

    11. In a youtube interview with a few others, Sarah was asked about her parents and divulged their living conditions. She also divulged that because of COVID, they were POSITIVE that the end was near, and ramped up the shunning again. But hey! They still wanted access to Sarah's children. She said they either treat her as human or else tell the grandson they can't see him again. She made THEM tell the grandson. They did! They told him they love JEHOVAH more than him, etc. EVIL SHIT!!

    12. The above treatment by the parents blows my mind. They are truly nice people, good people. They've devoted their entire lives to this cult, LDC work especially. They have ZERO to show for it. The Governing Body have their lakeside retreat with all the fixings, and Bob and Connie get to live in a tiny apartment above a garage because Stephen Lett said we're in the final part, of the very lasts days, in the LAST DAY. Their children are all out, living their lives. After all this shit, I now see them in a different light, a "New Light."

    They are 100% - SUCKERS! They've been conditioned to eat shit, like it, and ask for seconds! More moronic "slaves" would be hard to find on this earth. Imagine, your youngest daughter is hideously abused, the Elders cover it up, turn it around on your daughter, and what do you do? Double-down and devote even more time and money towards the cult. These are the types the Governing Body are conditioning. Everyone else with a brain can get lost, these type of suckers are what the parasites at WT HQ are counting on. Easy money!

  • FFGhost
    "Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT abuse children!"

    No true Scotsman.....

    This PA case is starting to get very interesting.

    I know it's the longest of long shots, but I can't get rid of the gut feeling there is some connection between all these recent PA cases and Tony Morris' abrupt and complete disappearance, to the point of pretending he never existed, erasing his dozens if not hundreds of video appearances....

    The sudden prominence of his son.....

    The complete forbidding of asking anyone anything about it....

    It could be any of a dozen things....but the timing is eyebrow-raising.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    'Luis Manuel Ayala-Velasquez pleaded guilty to five counts.

    A Reading man has been sentenced to 14 to 46 years in state prison for sexually assaulting a girl, starting in 2001 when he and the victim were members of the Jehovah’s Witness faith.

    Luis Manuel Ayala-Velasquez, 56, had pleaded guilty to five felony counts, including rape of an unconscious person, and was sentenced Wednesday in Northampton County Court, state Attorney General Michelle Henry said in a release.'

  • was a new boy
  • FragrantAddendum
  • Balaamsass2

    This growing case has so many defendants it is hard to keep up!

    I hope it continues to snowball and implicate headquarters staff criminally.

  • Vidiot

    This asshole pled guilty…

    …and witnesses (real ones) confirmed under oath that documents were indeed shredded under orders from higher up, and it’s all a matter of public record, now.

    This is why they’re hissyfitting about “negative” reports rather than “falsehoods”…

    …’cause there’s just too much smoke for there not to be any fire, and calling them “lies” makes them liars.

  • Vidiot
    FFGhost - “…I know it's the longest of long shots, but I can't get rid of the gut feeling there is some connection between all these recent PA cases and Tony Morris' abrupt and complete disappearance…”

    Don't kid yourself.

    It ain’t that long a shot.

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