How Long it will take to the GB change the interpretation of the Beast as the UN?

by Ray Frankz 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    I just realized now, (ironically by checking on JW.ORG) that the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights), the government agency that has been literally SAVING the JWs to be banned in so many countries - and they are very thankful for that, as they say in their recent purple history book - is an agency of the UN!

    As it is well known, the GB consider the UN as a high-class enemy of God's kingdom, believing it is the beast mentioned in Revelation. This interpretation was totally from F. Franz and N. Knorr, this last one still being reagarded every now and then as the one who gave the speech with this "new light". (actually their prophecy that the League of Nations would ressurge as the UN made then very proud of themselves when it actually happened and it was frequently used as proof that "God was leading the ORG")

    The most important point in their contraditon is that, according to the book of Revelation, the sin of the nations would be that they would trust their "salvation" to the beast (the UN) instead of to God. Every time the nations used the UN to try to bring peace or solve conflicts (good motivated reasons) the Society criticized it, as being an example of the nations "worshiping the Beast". Well, now we are seeing the JW often being threatened of being banned (sometimes for prejudice but sometimes for actual reasons as the blood question, disfellowshiping or their total control of the members' lives) and instead of an miraculous act of saving from Jehovah, they are begging the help of the ECHR, which is part of the UN, to save them. They are simply and clearly worshiping the Beast.

    What is crazy is that if they are right about their own prophecy interpretations, they are going out of God's favor.

    But, let's be honest. We know what is going to happen. In some years a "new Revelation book" will be released in a convention, containing "new light", in what will show the UN as in the good side (probably as the "Earth swallowing the river of persecution") and the Beast being an enemy more recent (maybe the totalitarian regimes).

    What are your bets?

    Edit 1 > I just realized now that the UN human rights comitee isn't the same as the ECHR but it doesn't change the fact that they are appealing to it now.

    Edit 2> Looks like they deleted the post that mentioned the UN HRC. It was the one about the NWT ban on Russia

    Edit 3> I found one link that mention the UN

  • darkspilver
    Ray Frankz: the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights)... is an agency of the UN!

    Is it??, Really?

  • punkofnice
    As it is well known, the GB consider the UN as a high-class enemy of God's kingdom, believing it is the beast mentioned in Revelation.

    They seemed to steer clear of this stuff back before they were caught out for being NGOs.

    Is there anything recently slagging off the UN?

    I thought this was like a lot of Jobo Governing body ignorant stupidity, they distance themselves from it by keeping schtumm and hoping it'll fade away with time.

  • konceptual99

    My bet is that they will steer clear of trying to interpret more and more prophecy. They've been burnt so many times and enough people are happy with doing carts, going happy clappy and watching JW Boredcasting....

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    Darkspilver, I just checked it again and I can't find the article anywhere in the website!

    It was in that "BREAKING NEWS" part. The headline was something like "Russia bans the New World Translation. JW will appeal to the UN human rights comitee!

    Edit> I just realized now that the UN human rights comitee isn't the same as the ECHR but it doesn't change the fact that they are appealing to it now.

    Edit 2> I found one link that mention the UN

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    Edit 4 > I think they didn't really care about deleting the article since there are plenty of them. You just have to type "UN" on the search engine of the website. It's incrible as there isn't anything about the UN as the "Beast" but all of them is about the UN taking the JWs side in questions of religious freedom.

  • darkspilver

    Ray Frankz: I just realized now that the UN human rights comitee isn't the same as the ECHR

    haha, yeah.....

    The European Court of Human Rights ECHR, which is part of the Council of Europe - not to be confused with the European Union - is not an 'agency' of the United Nations.

    There is though formalised cooperation, by means of resolution, between these two independent international organizations.

    The ECHR is not the OHCHR.

    The United Nations Human Rights Committee (Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, OHCHR), is part of the UN.

  • John Davis
    John Davis

    The ECHR is not part of the UN. The ECHR was formed by the Council of Europe and was formed by treaties signed by each country that is part of that council and recognizes the court.

  • darkspilver

    Ray Frankz: You just have to type "UN" on the search engine of the website. It's incrible as there isn't anything about the UN as the "Beast"

    Doesn't it?? Really?

    Christian Life and Ministry Meeting: 6 to 12 November 2017

    Congregation Bible Study: God’s Kingdom Rules! Chapter 21, paragraphs 1-7

    God’s Kingdom Rules! Chapter 21, page 223, paragraph 6

    6 Who or what will carry out the attack against “Babylon the Great”? A “wild beast” with “ten horns.” The book of Revelation indicates that this wild beast refers to the United Nations (UN). The ten horns represent all present political powers that support this “scarlet-colored wild beast.” (Rev. 17:3, 5, 11, 12) How devastating will the attack be? The nations of the UN will plunder the prostitute’s wealth, devour her, and “completely burn her.”-—Read Revelation 17:16.
  • Vidiot
    Ray Frankz - "...the government agency that has been literally SAVING the JWs to be banned in so many countries... is an agency of the UN... a high-class enemy of God's kingdom, (believed to be) the Beast mentioned in Revelation."

    The irony!

    It burns!!!

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