I consider myself a Christian and I think Christian preachers who spout off against evolution and claim they are doing it to stay loyal to God’s Word. Are doing a disservice to the, Christian witness to a scientifically knowledgeable generation. Christians should be knowledgeable about this subject before they openly call persons who have scholarship in these subjects, as incorrect.
God made man curious, and gave him the ability to take care of the earth; science is an out growth of the gift of understanding that was given to him, by God, to take care of this earth.
The Christian faith in not dependent of ignorance. The history of Christianity shows that a few have been able to think outside the box (Galileo, Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and others) Many intelligent person have been persecuted by the Church because they didn’t fall in line with the current interpretation of the Bible. Which they latter changed to fit the undeniable things that were comming to light.
Christians should be leading the way to find out about God’s handiwork the universe instead of spouting off ridicule at Scholars that know far more about which they worked very hard to learn about. For someone who knows far less about a subject to call into question a scholar research, is not convincing, on the other hand scholars on his subject can do so with more information than a novice can.