Many Christians Preachers at war with Natural Science

by D wiltshire 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I consider myself a Christian and I think Christian preachers who spout off against evolution and claim they are doing it to stay loyal to God’s Word. Are doing a disservice to the, Christian witness to a scientifically knowledgeable generation. Christians should be knowledgeable about this subject before they openly call persons who have scholarship in these subjects, as incorrect.

    God made man curious, and gave him the ability to take care of the earth; science is an out growth of the gift of understanding that was given to him, by God, to take care of this earth.

    The Christian faith in not dependent of ignorance. The history of Christianity shows that a few have been able to think outside the box (Galileo, Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and others) Many intelligent person have been persecuted by the Church because they didn’t fall in line with the current interpretation of the Bible. Which they latter changed to fit the undeniable things that were comming to light.

    Christians should be leading the way to find out about God’s handiwork the universe instead of spouting off ridicule at Scholars that know far more about which they worked very hard to learn about. For someone who knows far less about a subject to call into question a scholar research, is not convincing, on the other hand scholars on his subject can do so with more information than a novice can.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Some preachers have not the time to research the subject of evolution they are too busy with giving talks to do much research so they rely on persons who also don't have time to reseach properly and probably don't really want to because they are afraid what they may find.

  • rem

    I wish there were more people like you, Dwilt.


  • nowisee

    well i agree with you too....

    i feel that all sides are all too quick to criticize and ridicule. why not discuss and learn. be open and get educated. if truth is the object of the quest then everything is fair game.

    though, i will admit that sometimes on this forum i am afraid to open my mouth at all. there are so many gifted and intelligent people here. one would have to be versed in philosophy, science, psychology, theology, history, pop culture, current events, scripture, etc. etc. to really be to converse cogently on all topics presented.

    i will say that those who have entertained my (perhaps basic) questions and comments with sincerity, (onacruse, i'm talking about you) have far more earned my respect that those who have ridiculed me for asking a question or venturing an opinion.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Thanks Rem, and Now.

    I just want to say my motive for starting this thread is the book that I'm currantly reading by:

    Howard J. Van Till "Portraits of Creation" he is a Christian Physicist that has had his share of ridicule from the christian pulpit. I highly recomend this book. 2 thumbs up

  • Abaddon

    I agree that many Christian preachers (and lay people) end up looking silly, as they have to come up with remarkable mental gymnastics to try and correlate the Bible with the facts as demonstarted by the world around us.

    However, I wonder if a religion that has no scientifically acceptable proof of its reality outside of believers' heads can actually have anything to do with science.

    If for example, we can all agree that Scientology is an entirely false made-up religion, then obviously Scientology has nothing to do with science. Any other religion that turned out to be entirely false and made-up would also have nothing to do with science.

    Until proof either way is forthcoming, then scientists and religionists are uneasy bed-fellows. Even if the religonists are prepared to regard all areas where their source text conflicted with science as metaphorical, they cannot provide the proofs that many scientists would require to think of religion as anything other than a cultural artifact.

  • borgfree

    Hi D Wiltshire,

    I agree with your statements:

    God made man curious,
    The Christian faith in not dependent of ignorance.
    Christians should be leading the way to find out about God’s handiwork the universe instead of spouting off ridicule at Scholars that know far more about which they worked very hard to learn about.

    Like some have mentioned, I do not have time to read material on every subject. I read by priority, starting with the most important to me, and continuing on to other reading material, as I have time.

    I try to be open to solid arguments, but I have trouble with the subject of evolution, as has been obvious in past postings.

    I do not understand why some are much more fervent in their proclaiming their truth of evolution than they probably were in their preaching door-to-door, the WT message. Some are even more aggressive in promoting evolution than many preachers are in promoting Christianity. They will ridicule people who do not believe evolution, call names, and be extremely rude.

    Why do they think it is so very important that everyone believes as they do? At the same time, those same ones, are very intolerant of anyone attempting to give the Christian point of view. It seems to be almost a religion to some evolutionists.

    Also, I do think there are many cases where some scientists have been dishonest, and cases where scientists have changed 180 degrees in their pronouncements and in each case people were supposed to believe their theories as if they were absolute truth, much like the F&DS.

    I will continue to try to be open minded though, and willing to accept information that is based on facts.

    Some arguments, I believe, are short sited. I have seen statements about "how could God do...." leaving out the thought that "God" could do many things beyond our understanding, such as make the sun stand still.

    I am sure if you told people, in the 1800s, that some day we would be able to sit in our own homes and watch what is happening on the other side of the world, or walk down the street and talk to people all over the world with a little gadget in our hand, we probably would have been accused of having demons, but today those things are realities. Many future things will be taken for granted that today we would quickly say are not possible.

    I believe there is an Almighty God, if evidence proves that the Creator used a form of evolution to create, then I will accept that, but I am not convinced by anything I have read, to this point. (admitting I haven't read very much on evolution)


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Please read:

    Howard J. Van Till "Portraits of Creation"

    You will not be disappointed, solid, scholarly. After you read it you will be changed in your thinking for good.

  • Francois

    Religion has never, as in NEVER, won an argument with science and it's not about to start now. In the end it will be shown that there IS NO argument between the two, only misunderstanding especially on the part of boneheaded religion. Religion should stick to a concern about the scientist and leave science itself strictly alone.

  • borgfree

    D Wiltshire,

    Thanks, I have ordered the book and I will read it.


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