wednesday: regarding the cities of refuge:
*** Rbi8 Joshua 21:13 ***
13 And to the sons of Aaron the priest they gave the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, He´bron, and its pasture ground,
*** Rbi8 Joshua 21:20-21 ***
20 And for the families of the sons of Ko´hath, the Levites who were left over of the sons of Ko´hath, there came to be by their lot cities out of the tribe of E´phra·im. 21 Accordingly they gave them the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, She´chem, and its pasture ground in the mountainous region of E´phra·im
*** Rbi8 Joshua 21:27 ***
27 And for the sons of Ger´shon, of the families of the Levites, there was out of the half tribe of Ma·nas´seh the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, Go´lan, in Ba´shan, and its pasture ground,
*** Rbi8 Joshua 21:32 ***
32 And out of the tribe of Naph´ta·li, the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, Ke´desh in Gal´i·lee, and its pasture ground,
*** Rbi8 Joshua 21:38 ***
38 And out of the tribe of Gad, the city of refuge for the manslayer, namely, Ra´moth in Gil´e·ad, and its pasture ground,
I remember reading somewhere the last city being referred to as "Ramoth-Gilead".
Love, Scully