WT's I. T. personnel have no shame putting this content into their website. In the 'Frequently Asked Questions About Jehovah's Witnesses' section of their website the following appears:
How Do You Know How Many Are Actively Witnessing?
Each month, Witnesses report their preaching activity to their local congregation. This report is made voluntarily.
Congregation reports are tabulated, and the totals are sent to the local branch office. The branch sends the totals for each country or territory to our world headquarters.
Reporting one's monthly preaching activity as a JW is not voluntary. WT HQs demands and requires that each and every congregation collect data in the form of hours spent in the ministry, Bible Studies conducted and videos shared with unbelievers from each and every baptized JW or unbaptized publisher. A congregation that refuses risks getting dissolved. A rank and file member who refuses risks getting counseled and labeled 'Inactive'!
In fact a prerequisite for anyone desiring to get baptized is that he/she maintain the congregation or nationwide average of 8 to 10 active hours in the field ministry monthly and that he/she report that activiity monthly to the congregation which in turn reports to HQs.
Further of note, an elder or ministerial servant's wife or children who decide to stop reporting his/her service time risks having their family member elder or ministerial servant deleted.
Why does WT's website content need to be soo deceitful to the general public?