Watchtower teaches that when Jesus was resurrected, He was resurrected as a spirit creature,
Actually Mary, they do not teach this at all. The Watchtower doesnt teach Jesus "Spirit" was resurrected so their use of 1stPeter 3:18 is just lip service and an attempt to make out they have some sort of Scriptural basis.
They teach that a brad new spirit was created (not resurrected) on the 3rd day, it didnt exist until that day, into that brad new spirit was put Jesus information (life pattern), hence the new spirit could be identified as Jesus on the basis of it having his information installed.
Confused yet?
They do not believe that Jesus had a spirit while he walked on the earth, according to them, Jesus was just like Adam (Adam didnt have a spirit that survived after the body). They teach Jesus fleshly body was disolved and no longer existed (it didnt transform into a spirit according to the WT), hence what was resurrected? Not his spirit, he didnt have one remember? Not his body, it was disolved into gases etc...So they only give lip service to the resurrection, in reality they totally deny it. Its one of the biggest hoaxes I've ever heard!
Therefore I do believe in the bodily resurrection now, John 2:19-21 (read it, Jesus himself prophesied he would be raised bodily). His flesh did not see corruption and his body was not abandoned to the grave (Acts 2:31-32). hence it wasnt disolved into gases
I Corinth 15:50 "Flesh & Blood Cannot inherit.." Is talking about the natural man, (a similar thought is found in Romans 8:6-12). the very context of Corinth (vs53) says the perishable must cloth itself with impershable, and the MORTAL must cloth itself with IMMORTALITY. so the "mortal man" ie flesh and blood, must clothe itself with the Immortal. This is saying the "mortal" still exists but it is clothed with something else. You cant clothe something that no longer exists right? (Romans 8,23 talks about the redemption of our "bodies")
Here is the crux of the matter and the answer to your question. The reason the Watchtower makes a big issue over this is because if Jesus wasnt raised as a Spirit then their invisible return doctrine is proven false. As is their docrtine concerning the resurrection of the anointed during the years 1918-1919. as is many other of their doctrines. It is a big issue and one they need to keep punching. The irony is that they dont believe he was raised as a spirit so they have no scriptural support anyway!
Brummie (why say somethning in 20 words when you can say in 2000 huh, sorry it got lengthy)