The WTBTS has shown remarkable resilience over time. It won't fade out anytime soon as many here would like to see. The will to believe is the essence of human religious yearning. That doesn't change, although the various items that make up JW minor doctrine and prophecy will.
Jehovah's Witness break off group?
by freedom96 17 Replies latest jw friends
I think if the WTS did collapse, everyone would continue to meet in their book study groups. They would have to re-study all the old publications, and they might end up discovering things they never knew about the society. Also, the threat of disfellowshipping would be non-existant, people would quit going to their book study groups, and it would fizzle out from there.
There actually is a sort of splinter group already, they are in Romania called "The True Faith Jehovah's Witnesses", they are a group of Rutherfordites that when the Iron Curtain fell refused to reunite with the WTBTS becasue the doctrines had changed as they had. They now consider the WTBTS as an apostate group, much like the Bible Students (Russellites) do.
We are a JW break off group
There have actually been numerous Watchtower offshoots through the years and no doubt more to come.
****Time, as it has passed, has shown up their speculations for what they are. The passage of more time will likely serve to continue to do just that.****
All the while millions pay the price. Just think of the wasted lives. Now fourth and fith generation witnesses are living the lie.
It really boggels the mind the sad legacy this cult has left behind, and continues to promulgate. When you consider the fact that it's (wtbs) origin was a small group of Bible Students, sitting around postulating on what God was trying to say 120 yrs ago.............should scare the livin bejeesus outa anyone remotely thinking that returning to basics of bible study in small groups is the answer.
Group religious worship of any kind is the receipe for those 30,000 religions. I will never ever share my worship with anyone other than God himself.
Go Dannybear, I couldn't agree more about not sharing my Religious embarrasment with anyone. I use to teach Cosmatology. We were to instruct the Beauticians not to talk Religion or politics as they were too personal of a subject. I enjoyed reading all the fine answers to this question.
****I couldn't agree more about not sharing my Religious embarrasment with anyone. ****
It is that isn't it (embarrassing). I guess thats what irritates me about religious zealots of any sort, fundy or liberal, they just don't get it do they?
For some ungodly reason they believe that they MUST share the message. The truth they have uncovered just can't be ignored. They just have to tell others the wonder of it all. Bulldust.
If Charles Taze had of exercised some restraint, if he had of exercised some humility, and kept his g/d opionions to himself, you, yours and mine would not be in this mess today.
The Beauticians running that school were smart to say the least.