Hello all, first post so a whistle stop of who I am first!
’unbelieving husband’ here married to PIMI wife living in UK. (Think that will do for now)
Anyway on with the post...
I attend the KH this weekend with PIMI wife, I’ve been a handful of times before. (Don’t worry, far from being converted trust me!)
The watchtower question and answer session took place where individuals raise hands and speak into the microphone with their comment.
In the past the microphones had been on long leads and were passed down the row to the individual speaking then handed back to the MS/Elder.
This weekend however I noticed they have bought wireless microphones, but oddly, they were attracted to a telescopic arm. This meant that when an individual wanted to comment, the microphone was floated in front of them by an MS by extending the arm down the row. The commenter did not touch the mic.
My question(s)- is this a response to KH crashes?
Does this happen in other congregations where people are not allowed to even hold the microphone anymore?
The reasoning my wife gave was they’ve introduced it for ‘hygiene reasons’. However this baffled me as people are still breathing into the microphone for it to be passed on?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks