The only Witnesses I knew that had money were those that either had family businesses or had money before they got into the religion.
Do You Know Any JWs That Were Wealthy AFTER They Became Witnesses?
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
many try with the Ralph Kramden get rich quick schemes, but never pans out.
They've sold every product under the sun but that doesn't last very long, just how many cleaning products can one person buy when you invite the same crowd to the same "gathering" ? Even had some elders in my area start some kind of insurance company which turned out to be a scam, which resulted in coverage in the newspaper media here and they were DFd
Bungi Bill
I know of two persons who became well off after becoming JWs. Also, both of these guys were self-made (one, in particular, having been born into near-poverty).
Whether this played any part or not I can't say, but both were graduates of Gilead (with one serving as a missionary in South East Asia).
Quite a businesses mostly
Depends on what you consider wealthy
I have known some well off thru hard work, they were not very spiritual; mostly fringe publishers.
Some others have become wealthy for a short time thru scams and some of them landed in jail eventually.
Don't know about wealthy, but as far as being comfortably well-off - never saw it happen after somebody became a Witness.
As you noticed, the only ones with money after they became JWs had a business OR were just entering retirement and already earned their living and pension. There was nothing more sickening to me than an older JW with a cushy life sitting in car groups criticizing the younger people who have to work.
Anybody who became a JW and quit a good job or cut back on hours suffered a loss. Later on when they realized their mistake it was very hard to get reemployed or catch up. I've said it before that I'm glad I never did this and I resisted all the remarks of fools who were not supporting me.
7 wise men in warwick!
I guess it means it if you want to become monetarily successful don't become a Jehovah's Witness
Those that used the supply of undereducated man/woman power to staff their businesses, supervised by their "father in heaven". Construction, cleaning.
James Mixon
Most JW's I knew were middle class or below, most living on the edge.