I've been gone for a while doing other research, checking out other forums.
This forum is the first place I went when I very first started waking up and I just want to say thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you.
You guys were so helpful, so kind and so supportive. I really appreciate that. You guys got me and were there for me when my whole world was crashing in on me. When I realized that everything that I sincerely believed and dedicated my entire adult life to was built on lies.
I left because I got overwhelmed by the religious/atheist debates and just needed a minute to process all these new concepts and ways of thinking. I have now spent a lot of time researching and considering many of the arguments and history of religion. I was a Christian when I came here, now I am atheist agnostic. I don't discount that there could be a force or spiritual whelm, I just don't know at this moment. I do discount a loving God that demands to be worshipped only in a particular way on threat of eternal destruction/suffering while not making clear what that way is and at the same time allowing untold human suffering.
Anyway, I don't really want to get into a debate about religion or lack thereof. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone and let y'all know where I'm at. You do make a difference.