What is a generation?

by larc 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    I think we all know about the changing definiition of "generation" by the Watchtower Society.

    I thought I would highlight history in terms of generations. My great grandfather was born in 1850. That would make him 29 when Russell started his religion. My grandfather was born in 1885, six years after Russell started the religion. My father was born in 1919, five years after the failed prophecy of 1914. I was born in 1940, 61 years after the religion began. My son was born in 1968, seven years before the 1975 prediction. My grand daughter was born in 1990, just five years before the the last change in the definition of "generation.". So, there have been seven generations in my family since the religion began.

    Well, the JWs call it one generation. I call it seven generations.

  • rocketman

    Larc, I've wondered about this too. To me, each 'cycle' (for lack of a better word) of offspring is a new generation, and many people understand it that way.

    As you know, in Jesus' day, when he spoke the words recorded at Matt 24, it was 33 CE, and the "end" for the Jewish system came 37 years later. That time period, to me, shows quite nicely what Jesus meant by "this generation" - most, yes, the vast majority I'd say, of the poeple who heard him say those words were alive to witness all the things that befell the Jewish system, including its end.

    That's why, to me, the whole generation teaching of the WTS is inaccurate. The way they used to teach it proved incorect, and this "refined" understanding seems to me to allow of too great an elapsing of time, in that people were were alive when it supposedly started are for the most part gone. It just doesn't seem to match up to what happened in Jesus' day.

  • blackout

    lol well yes, the dictionary defines a generation as the period of time between the birth of the parents and the birth of their children, therefore it is 20-40 years isn't it?

    Now the org says "The Watchtower, November 1st 1995 Issue, Pages 18-20:
    "Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term “generation” as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics." (WTH does that mean? A group of people living at the same time. ahuh, so how does that change the former thinking???) Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy today, “this generation” apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways.
    No human can say when that end will be, but we know that the end of “this generation” of wicked people will come once the witness has been given to God’s satisfaction “to the most distant part of the earth.”

    Ok so they are saying that those who have seen the sign of christ presence are "That Generation" What is the sign of christs presence, anyone know?

  • Ravyn

    <<< Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy today, “this generation” apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways.

    >>> sooooooo therefore the 'generation' is now extended indefinitely since there will always be ones who fit this description---otherwise who would there be to kill at Armageddon? talk about covering your a$$! no really--talk about it!


  • Mary
    Ok so they are saying that those who have seen the sign of christ presence are "That Generation" What is the sign of christs presence, anyone know?

    First of all, the word "presence" is used only by the Society to give the pre-conceived idea that Christ's Return happens invisibly over a long period of time. The word "Parousia" that they use, also means "coming, return, advent, arrival", which gives the more accurate idea that Christ's Return is a sudden event that everyone sees, not something paramount to a visit from the boogy-man late at night.

    We're all familiar with Matthew chapter 24. Jesus gives all the signs leading up to His Second Coming, He didn't say that he would mysteriously and invisibly "return" and then all these things would happen, as the WT says. The one verse in chapter 24 likens his return to when we see the buds on the leaves, then we know that summer is near (note that summer doesn't come first and THEN everything starts to grow, it happens the other way round), so likewise when we "see all these things start to occur, know that He is NEAR at the door).

    There's another scripture that says "when you see these things START to occur, lift your heads up because your deliverance is getting near."

    The Society still maintains that Jesus "returned invisibly" in 1914 and that the Last Days started then. So therefore, according to this scripture, those alive in 1914 who saw the START of the Last Days, would be comforted knowing that their "deliverance [was] getting near."

    Now that virtually ALL the generation of 1914 are either dead or in Nursing Homes, I'd really be interested in hearing the Society's explanation for this scripture..............

  • rocketman
    The one verse in chapter 24 likens his return to when we see the buds on the leaves, then we know that summer is near (note that summer doesn't come first and THEN everything starts to grow, it happens the other way round), so likewise when we "see all these things start to occur, know that He is NEAR at the door).

    Mary, you make a very interesting point! I had never before heard it explained this way. Thank you!!

  • Francois

    This "generation" definition thing is just another example of a cult doing what cults do best - covering their asses so that contributions continue to roll in. Has nothing to do with truth, justice or the American way.

    We can get on the board here, and foam at the mouth about how little sense it makes, etc., etc. and the GB is merely amused at our naivety. We act like the JWs are so off the mark with this and they don't give a big crap. They continue to do what they do best: be cultists.

    Somehow or other we seem to be saying we continue to expect truth from this bunch of shysters. We should stop treating them like religious leaders who are off the mark, and treat them for what they are: perfect examples of greedy corporate heads who run a religious cult and make money therefrom. Once you realize who and what they are and what they're doing, then there's no reason to be angry any longer.

    Scorpions sting us - it's part of being a scorpion, stinging is what THEY DO.

    The WTBTS behaves like an unrighteous, immoral, unethical, greedy, money grubbing CULT. It's what THEY DO. Get your family out if you can, your friends too, and then get over it.

    There is vastly more to this life than being an ex-Witness.

  • libra_spirit

    Does anyone know just how long people in Jesus time actually lived? It seems that a "generation" that he was speaking about may correspond to just what he said, a generation then and not now. However when you start putting symbolisms on everything it could start to mean anything probably up to a thousand years. I'm waiting to see when they start to talk about Gods generation, or some new explanition, there will have to be one you know.

  • Mutz

    How long is a generation? How long is a piece of string? In Watchtower speak a generation is just about any length of time they feel appropriate or that fits their twisted logic.

  • RandomTask

    Well they already fixed it with their "word magic" also known as "new light"

    How long until they do the more insidious "switcheroo" with the paradise? You know, say they are already there with their "spiritual paradise"? I hear them emphasizing this more and more.

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