while I'm drifting off topic somewhat here's an example of an anomaly that could blow up everything- physics-wise.
if that doesn't work, try a websearch on 'photon dies screaming'.
I've read Consciousness Explained and it had some good logical arguments - especially regarding 'bandwidth' and hallucinations.
( OK, you see it, but can you smell it? or hear it? or feel it? All at once ?)
I've read educated defenses of both remote viewing and the statistical basis of ESP.
What is so disturbing in this and other anomalies, is the blithe and easy going way such anomalies
are casually dismissed. No amount of evidence is ever enough , regardless of what they say about 'extraordinary
proof'! Occam's razor is freely used - but FREELY ignored if it leads to a simple conclusion a skeptic
doesn't like ( "God created this"). If someone suggests homeopathy, a skeptic rejects it because he doesn't
see double blind proof - if you then supply double- blind proof( it's been done), he rejects it all anyway.
I read complete dismissals of 'cold fusion' - while many scientists replicate it using the most careful techniques
imaginable. I doubt many of the critics even bother to read the research - and just toss it away.
I find the recent news about the Atkins Diet VERY DISTURBING because of what it tells me about medical
science. WHY on earth does it take over THIRTY YEARS for science to admit that , yes, you can lose weight
and no, it doesn't necessarily cause heart trouble. Immediately after the results were announced to astonished
doctors at the American Heart Association, some ( of course) said "Oh, he paid for that study".
Really? Well, somebody pays for EVERY study! Let's throw them all away(?)
I thank heaven that - somehow- we've managed to get this far as humans - inspite of ourselves.