Received "recruitment" letter following death of father

by John K 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • John K
    John K

    First, let me start by saying I respect and honor the right of ANYONE to spread their message. I do not descriminate against anyones church. In the U.S. we are fortunate enough to enjoy that right.

    That said, a Jehovah's decided that the death of my father would be a good time to send a letter to my mother. It began by offering sympathy, but moved quickly to urging her to contact a Jehovah's witness, preferably them.

    As I said, knock on my door, talk to me on the street, even call me on the phone to spread a religious method. This person is using the obituaries and the phone book to find targets and I think that crosses the line of good taste.

    I have sent a letter to the person sending it, but I suspect this is an ongoing practice. I would like to see a stop to this. This letter only served to upset a widow, and I suspect that is the reaction the letter recieves often.

    My first choice is to contact someone in the church and forward the name of the person responsible, so that it may be handled internally. Failing that, I will contact a columnist at the local newspaper.

    Advice please?

  • myself

    Welcome John!

    I am afraid that complaining to the local congregation with this person's name won't help. They will probably be given a pat on the back and called zealous, in spite of the fact that what they did was just plain tacky.

    I do like your idea of sending a letter to the editor of the local paper. It will bring more attention to the public and the writer of that letter views that newspaper and will hopefully see the hurt they have caused.

  • jgnat

    I agree that this "evangelism" method is in poor taste. It just turns out that an article was just published by the society on this very subject, The Watchtower , May 1, 2003, page 23-24 "Give comfort to those who Grieve", subtitled, "When a Family Member has Died"

    "Every day millions of people grieve over the death of a loved one....what can you say or do that will bring comfort? Is the person in emotinal turmoil? Is the house filled with grieving relatives? There may be much that you would like to say, but discretion is important...Perhaps the fitting thing is to express sympathy, leave an appropriate Bible publication...and then call after a few days to see if further help can be given At a suitable time, offer to share some encouraging thoughts from the Bible....An invitation to the Kingdom Hall may help the grieving one to get to know people who truly love their neighbors and who know how to build one another up."

    It sounds like a zealous Jehovah's Witness decided to take this advice literally. I am sorry for your loss. I am assuming you are in the US? You could write them (but don't hold your breath waiting for a reply).


    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483

  • seedy3

    Actually this was encouraged by the Dubs, back in the days when I was one (I have little doubt that it has changed any). It to me is the hit em while their down senerio. Some of the ones that had a herd time getting out in service were encouraged to write letters to people they found in the Obits and give them a witness about the ability for the loved one to be seen again in Paradise. To me it's sick to try and make converts when a person is not in their best thinking mode.


  • bluesapphire

    You think this is bad .... I used to go to the cemetaries looking for potential victims bible studies.

  • sf


    This was a topic which netted two pages. Check it out to see if there is anything of use in it...(you are welcomed; btw, have you thought of going to the media with this 'outrage'?):

  • Swan

    Welcome John!

    I'm sure this is a difficult time for you and your mother and I am very sorry for your loss. I agree that the letter your mother received is in very poor taste. My condolences to you both.


  • LovesDubs

    The JWs respond to accusations like young children do....they DENY THEY DID ANYTHING and point at everybody else. They NEVER take responsibility and they NEVER tell the truth!! What the hell??? If you HAVE THE TRUTH PEOPLE WHY ARE YOU SO ASHAMED OF SPREADING IT? Why not just say "Yes we WERE there in that cemetary and we TRY to approach people in mourning because we believe they NEED OUR MESSAGE OF HOPE." I mean ...shit wouldnt that be at least HONEST? I think I would respect that response more than their candy coated sorta kinda maybe woosypants responses to every fricking thing...just like their response to being in the UN..."we wanted to use their LIBRARY" oh my GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD.

    Im sorry honey...please please accept my condolences on the loss of your father. And I strongly urge you to write to the papers about it. I doubt YOUR locals have seen the article from that other paper. They need to keep their self righteous self serving NOSES out of your grieving.

  • NeonMadman
    To me it's sick to try and make converts when a person is not in their best thinking mode.

    But that's sort of the point, isn't it? To catch them while they are vulnerable and not likely to be thinking critically?

  • Dansk

    First of all, a BIG WELCOME, JOHN.

    Please accept our sincere condolences on the death of your father and our best wishes to you and your mother.

    You asked for advice. Seriously, to make the biggest impact and get this type of heinous proselytising curtailed immediately, go to the newspapers. Exposure of this kind is most damaging to Watchtower – and is no more than it deserves.

    Our best wishes to you,

    Dansk and the Forum Family

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